Rigorous State-Based Methods

Rigorous State-Based Methods

10th International Conference, ABZ 2024, Bergamo, Italy, June 25-28, 2024, Proceedings

Leuschel, Michael; Riccobene, Elvinia; Scandurra, Patrizia; Bonfanti, Silvia; Gargantini, Angelo

Springer International Publishing AG





15 a 20 dias

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1 Invited Talk.- Formal Methods and Tools Applied in the Railway Domain.- 2 Research Papers.- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Apache Kafka in Alloy 6.- Event-B Development of Modelling Human Intervention Request in Self- Driving Vehicle Systems.- Alloy Goes Fuzzy.- Transpilation of Petri-nets into B: Shallow and Deep Embeddings.- A Lean Reflective Abstract State Machine Definition.- Loose Observation in Event-B.- Modal Extensions of the Logic of Abstract State Machines.- An Analysis of the Impact of Field-Value Instance Navigation in Alloy's Model Finding.- From Concept to Code: Unveiling a Tool for Translating Abstract State Machines into Java Code.- 3 Short Research Papers.- An Event-B Formal Model for Access Control and Resource Management of Serverless Apps.- Property Ownership Formal Modelling Using Event-B and iUML-B.- A Modeling and Verification Framework for Ethereum Smart Contracts.- Semantics Formalisation - From Event-B Contexts to Theories.- Using Symbolic Execution to Transform Turbo Abstract State Machines into Basic Abstract State Machines.- Multi-model Animation with Jeb.- Meta-Programming Event-B: Advancing Tool Support and Language Extensions.- Event-B as DSL in Isabelle and HOL.- ThoR: An Alloy5-based DSL for Interactive Theorem Proving in Coq.- Verifying HyperLTL properties in Event-B.- Small Step Incremental Verification of Compilers.- Designing Exception Handling using Event-B.- 4 Case Study.- The Mechanical Lung Ventilator Case Study.- Real-Time CCSL: Application to the Mechanical Lung Ventilator.- An Event-B Model of a Mechanical Lung Ventilator.- Modelling the Mechanical Lung Ventilation System using TASTD.- Modelling and Analysing a Mechanical Lung Ventilator in mCRL2.- FRETting and Formal Modelling: A Mechanical Lung Ventilator.- 5 Doctoral Symposium.- From Event-B to Lambdapi.- Proof Construction and Checking on Evolving Abstract State Machines .
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
system specification;property verification;model validation;software engineering;formal methods;state-based methods;model checking;tool development;software notations and tools;formal language definitions;semantics;models of computation;abstract machines;interactive computation;modeling and simulation;model development and analysis;simulation support systems;computing methodologies;theory of computation