Rethinking Illicit Economies in Opium and Cocaine

Rethinking Illicit Economies in Opium and Cocaine

Policy Responses to Drug Crops in the Global South

Gutierrez, Eric D. U.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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1. The Puzzles and Stories of Resilience 2. The Strange Bedfellows of the Illicit Drug Trade 3. Bankers without Suits: The Money Men of Informal and Illicit Economies 4. Survival and Resilience: The Paradox of Illicit Crops 5. Criminals without Borders: Deconstructing and Deciphering the Life Stories and Role of Drug Lords in Agrarian Transformation 6. Precarity, Illicit Markets and the 'Mystery' of Prices 7. Intended and Unintended Interdependencies
cross-border trade;illicit drug crops;coca crops;opium crops;drug policy;development aid;illicit economics