Regulation of Extractive Industries

Regulation of Extractive Industries

Community Engagement in the Arctic

Hansen, Anne Merrild; Johnstone, Rachael Lorna

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contributor Biographies

Table of Abbreviations and acronyms

Chapter One- Introduction

Rachael Lorna Johnstone and Anne Merrild Hansen

Chapter Two- Indigenous rights and resource development in the Arctic: an overview of international standards and principles for consultation, participation and consent

Emma Wilson

Chapter Three- What is required for Free, Prior and Informed Consent and where does it apply?

Rachael Lorna Johnstone

Chapter Four- Meaningful stakeholder engagement as an aspect of risk-based due diligence between the economy, politics and law: the constitutive role of the Business & Human Rights regime

Karin Buhmann

Chapter Five- Youth as a Resources in Extractive Industry Decision-Making Processes: a Case Study using Social Media and Visual Methods to Engage Young Greenlanders

Anna-Sofie Skjervedal

Chapter Six- Comparative expectations of resource development in selected Greenland communities

Rachael Lorna Johnstone and Anne Merrild Hansen

Chapter Seven- "Our consent was taken for granted." A relational justice perspective on participation of Komi people in oil development in northern Russia

Julia Loginova and Emma Wilson

Chapter Eight- Local views on oil development in a village on the North Slope of Alaska

Anne Merrild Hansen and Panigruaq Ipalook

Chapter Nine- Land Claims Agreements in Canada and the promise of enhanced participation

Nigel Bankes

Chapter Ten- Participation in a Small Archipelago: the Shetland negotiations

James Mitchell

Chapter Eleven- The relationship between host government contracts for oil and gas activities and public participation

Eduardo Guedes Pereira and Marianthi Pappa

Chapter Twelve- Achieving Excellence in Public Participation and Consultation

Penny Norton

Chapter Thirteen- Arctic Voices: Strategies for Community Engagement

Anne Merrild Hansen and Rachael Lorna Johnstone
ILO C169;Public Engagement;Arctic;Human Rights Due Diligence;Extractive Industries;UN;Community Engagement;UNDRIP;UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP;FPIC;public participation process;Clyde River;human rights standards;Modern Land Claim Agreements;international law;FPIC Process;environmental law;Due Diligence Guidance;development decision-making;Extractive Projects;Greenland;Aarhus Convention;Iceland;Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement;Russia;Alaska;Impact Assessment Processes;Shetland Isles;Land Claims Agreements;Norway;Due Diligence Process;Oil Extraction;East Greenlanders;Engagement;Oil Development;mineral discovery;Komi Republic;cultural heritage;North Greenland;polar law;Extractive Sector;natural resources law;Human Rights;mineral law;Indigenous Rights;Meaningful Community Engagement