Recent Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology

Recent Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology

International Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology

Gedam, Asha; Gupta, Nishu; Khanapurkar, Milind; Bhave, Nikhil; S. Joshi, Sandeep

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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A. Pioneer Engineering in Electronics Engineering
1 Circular Slotted UWB Antenna Design For Microwave Medical Imaging
2 Metamaterial Dual L-Slot Triangle Patch Antenna for Optimal X-Band
3 A Multifunctional Robot for COVID-19 Hospital
4 A Novel Approach for Compressing Electrocardiogram Signals
5 A Compressive Approach for Cancer Classification using Text Data and
Machine Learning
6 Solar-Based Real-Time Solid Waste Separation and Management System
Using IOT
7 AES and SIMON Algorithms in 45-nm and 90-nm Technology Implemented
on Spartan-6 FPGA
8 Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Applications
9 Electric Vehicles: A Review on Technological Trends and Performance
Improvement Strategies
10 Beamforming Algorithms for Massive MIMO: Developing and Evaluating
Novel Beamforming Algorithms to Improve the Coverage, Capacity
and Interference Management in Massive MIMO systems
B. Advances in Computer Engineering and Information Technology
11 "HANA" - An IOT Fusion With Deep Learning for Smart Agriculture
Crop Prediction and Crop Monitoring System
12 A Survey Paper on Video Retrieval Using Deep Learning Concep
13 Real and Spoofed Faces Classification using Machine Learning Adopting
Efficient Processing and Quality Descriptors
14 A Facial Sketch-To-Image Synthesis Using Flutter and Artificial
Neural Network
15 Transfer Learning-Based MRI Model for the Identifying of Brain Tumors
16 Classification of Protein Family from the Protein Sequence Using
Machine Learning
17 Teacher Evaluation with Sentiment Analysis of Students Comments
Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches
18 Empowering Agriculture: Smart Crop Recommendation with
Machine Learning Challenges and Future Prospects
19 Deep Learning-Based System for Image Denoising
20 Survey on Energy Optimisation in Wireless Sensor Network
21 A Review on Fake Twitter User Profile Detection
22 Ayurveda-Dosha Assessment: A Computational Survey of the Human
Body's Constitution
23 The Future of AI Security: How Zero Trust can Help to Protect
Against Advanced Threats
24 Predicting Pancreatic Cancer Risk Using Machine Learning and Neural
25 Prediction of Air Quality in Nagpur City Using Hybrid CNN-Long
Short-Term Memory Model
26 A Review on "Efficient Hybrid Methodology for Early Detection
of Breast Cancer in Digital Mammograms using Autoencoder
Deep Learning"
27 Medical Image Multi-View Transformation and Reconstruction
with Deep Learning
28 Exploring the Effectiveness of Ensemble Learning Techniques
for the Classification of Stellar Objects in Gaia DR3
29 Secure on Demand Token-Based Binding Update Authentication Mechanism
30 Authentication of Video: Noval Approach for Identifying Video Forgery
Using Correlation Coefficients
31 Overspeed Alert System for Vehicles to Avoid E-Challan on Highways
using Machine Learning Algorithm
32 Detection of Nodule like Objects Using Local Contrast Thresholding
33 Efficient Set-D4: A Deep Learning Approach to Identify Human
Handwritten Signatures
34 IVSMDLS: Integration of Visual Saliency Maps with Deep Learning for
Identification of Skin Disease Severity
35 Design of an Efficient DeepSHAP Model for Smart Farming-Based
Recommendations Using Residual Deep Networks
36 Design of an Efficient Mutable Blockchain for QoS-Aware IoT Deployments
37 Experimental Investigation of Segmentation Methods for Segmenting
Fruit Images in Natural Environment
C. Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
38 Influence on the Air Flow due to Boundary Layer
39 Design and Development of a Semi-Automated Pneumatic System for
Production of Washers
40 Design and Development of Cycloidal Gear Box
41 Design, Development and Manufacturing of Coconut De-husking Machine
42 Application of Low-Cost Automation for Corrugated Box Flaps Twisting
to Improve Productivity
43 Heat Energy Storage in LiBr and Phase Change Material using Solar
Parabolic Dish Collector
44 SOC Prediction of Lithium Ion Battery Based on Machine Learning
45 On the Design and Fabrication of a Low-Cost PDMS-based Lenses:
Soft Lithography Approach
46 Simulation of U-cup Hydraulic Seal Used in a Hydraulic System Using Ansys
47 Supply Chain Management in Life Insurance companies in India
48 Design and Development of Manually Operated Lanzan Seed Decorticator
for Livelihood of Tribal Community in Eastern Vidarbha region in India
49 Unveiling the Dynamics and Optimisation of Go-Kart Performance:
An In-depth Analysis and Evaluation
50 Ergonomic Design of Visual Inspection Workstation Using Digital Human
51 Application of FMECA and FTA for the Engines of Diesel Locomotive
52 Analysis of Location of Emergency Department in Multi-speciality Hospitals
53 Implementation of DMAIC Methodology in Belt Industry for
Minimisation of Fabric Wastage
54 Design and Analysis of Manually Operated Lifting Crane for Small-Scale
55 Design and Simulation of Robotic Arm Joint for Sanitisation
D. Emerging Trends in Basic & Applied Sciences
56 Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites' Effects on the Environment and
Public Health
57 Electrochemical Properties of Polyaniline-Doped Nickel Oxide
58 Study of E-Waste Management Practices in Maharashtra State (India)
59 A Short Review on Conducting Polymer: Polyaniline: Conduction
Mechanism and Applications
60 Amendments on Amalgamation, Categorisation and Solicitation
of Polypyrrole Nanocomposites (PPy NC) and their
optimization - An update
61 Assessment and Optimisation of Integrated Solid Waste Management
Strategies for Sustainable Urban Environments
62 Quantum Computing and Simulation - A review
Engineering;Technology;Applied Science