Reablement in Long-Term Care for Older People

Reablement in Long-Term Care for Older People

International Perspectives and Future Directions

Doh, Daniel; Aspinal, Fiona; Lewin, Gill; Graff, Lea; O'Connell, Hilary; Zingmark, Magnus; Thuesen, Jette; Clotworthy, Amy; Burton, Elissa; Ranner, Maria

Bristol University Press






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PART I Reablement in contexts, ideas, and implementation
1. Introduction: The concept, rationale, and implications of reablement - Tine Rostgaard, Hanne Tuntland, and John Parsons
2. Perspectives on institutional characteristics, model features, and theories of reablement - Hanne Tuntland, John Parsons and Tine Rostgaard
3. The ideas of reablement and their travel across time and space - Marte Feiring, Oddvar Forland, Fiona Aspinal and Tine Rostgaard
4. Reablement as an evolution in home care: a comparison of implementation across five countries - John Parsons, Elissa Burton, Lea Graff, Silke F. Metzelthin, Hilary O'Connell and Hanne Tuntland
PART II Outcomes
5. Does reablement improve client-level outcomes of participants? An investigation of the current evidence - Gill Lewin, John Parsons, Hilary O'Connell and Silke Metzelthin
6. Examining client-level outcomes and instruments in reablement - Hanne Tuntland, Daniel Doh, Maria Ranner, Susanne Guidetti and Magnus Zingmark
7. Reablement as a cost- effective option from a health economic perspective - Magnus Zingmark, Hanne Tuntland and Elissa Burton
PART III Experience
8. Reablement and dementia - Miia Rahja and Jette Thuesen
9. Better care, better work? Reablement in Danish home care and the implications for care workers - Tine Rostgaard and Lea Graff
PART IV Future perspectives
10. How can we help? Promoting autonomy-compatible help to reable older adults - Amy Clotworthy and Rudi G.J. Westendorp
11. A cross-country reflection on empirical and theoretical learnings, challenges, and the way forward for reablement - John Parsons, Hanne Tuntland, Michelle Nelson, Rudi Westendorp and Tine Rostgaard
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Reablement; Long-term care; Frail older people; Person-centeredness; Integrated care; Rehabilitation; Interdisciplinary; Care workers; Cost-saving; Goal-oriented support; Quality of life