Proximity in Design Research

Proximity in Design Research

People, Processes, Products, Philosophy

Assoreira Almendra, Rita

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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List of figures

List of tables

List of contributors


PART I - Design Proximity(ies)

Chapter 1 - New design knowledge for a new philosophical thinking. A speculation on the concept of proximity as a lens for critical thinking in creative education

Francesco Galli, Irina Suteu and Riccardo Manzotti

Chapter 2 - Amplified Experience Through Temporal Proximity

Stephen Neely and Michael Arnold Mages

Chapter 3 - Designing the Proximity - temporary exhibition of a research project's constellation

Ambra Borin, Laura Galluzzo and Valentina Facoetti

Chapter 4 - Virtual Proximity in the factory processes: designing interfaces between industrial equipment and human operators

Sara Muscolo, Camilla Gironi, Viktor Malakuczi and Luca D'Elia

Chapter 5 - Proximity of theory and practice: framing a research through design experience for design students

Mithra Zahedi and Virginie Tessier

PART II - Design Approaches

Chapter 6 - From information to re-information: the reuse of objects from the Sao Joaquim marketplace as a reference to the construction of a contemporary design.

Bruna Villas-Boas Doria Lins, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, Lara Leite Barbosa and Gil Maciel Rocha Abreu

Chapter 7 - A Disciplined Approach to Abstraction

Michelle Pannone and Kate O'Connor

Chapter 8 - Chance of Designing: Reframing Aleatoric Processes in Design Education

Ece Atacan, and K.Gelmez

Chapter 9 - From Critical Friendship to Design Critique Friendship: Disclosing the Mechanisms of Informal Design Critique Within a Design Studio Course

Guelce Apak and Koray Gelmez

Chapter 10 - Mapping the design process of Luz e Cena Laboratory, LA LUCE, linked to the Federal University of Goias.

Viviane de Sousa Cruz e Silva and Rita Assoreira Almendra

PART III - Design "in action"

Chapter 11 - Neighbourhood, community and public space: designing the proximity together

Davide Fassi and Maria Maramotti

Chapter 12 - A Case Study of Design-Driven Social Entrepreneurship: Service Design Startup to Teach Digital Technology to Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Roya Paydarfar and Miso Kim

Chapter 13 - Integrating Care Practice into Product Design Education: Insights into Caring Behaviour, Design and Circular Economy

Yoon Jung Choi

Chapter 14 - Label and Packaging Design for Sustainability Checklist. A tailored tool for graphic design students and designers, co-designed by all stakeholders across the workflows

Pedro Matos, Vanda Correia and Joselia Pedro

Chapter 15 - Making Makers citizenships: network tools for Lazio digital manufacturers' awareness

Luca D'Elia

Chapter 16 - Design-led Entrepreneurship Workshop: a dialogic approach

Michel De Blois and Xavier Lesage

PART IV - Design Research

Chapter 17 - Towards the histories and the pedagogies of social design in Brazil - a research outline

Rita Assoreira Almendra, Gustavo Cossio and Andre Luiz Carvalho Cardoso

Chapter 18 - A Map of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange in Doctoral Research in Design

Ana Neto, Rita Assoreira Almendra and Joao Batalheiro Ferreira

Chapter 19 - A Study on Research Methods in Design and Territory

Filipe Cruz, Fatima Rocha and Carla Rodrigues

Chapter 20 - Photovoice and research with children in Design and Architecture - Proximity between researchers and research subjects

Rosa Arma and Camila Andrade dos Santos

Chapter 21 - The DNA manifesto - Its Impact and Challenges for Design Education

Martin Racine

Chapter 22 - Ready-to-(dis)assemble: experimentations on elastic joinery for engaging and environmentally friendly furniture

Patrizio Cipollone, Viktor Malakuczi, Felice Ragazzo and Michele Russo

Design Research;Design Proximity;Design in action;Design case studies;Design thinking