Post-Growth Work

Post-Growth Work

Employment and Meaningful Activities within Planetary Boundaries

Zahrnt, Angelika; Seidl, Irmi

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword by Tim Jackson Introduction 1. Employment, Meaningful Activity and the Post-Growth Society Part 1: The Basics 2. On the Historical Development of Work 3. Value-Orientation and Meaningful Activity in the Post-Growth Society 4. Revaluations of Work: Enabling and Combining a Diversity of Activities Part 2: Employment and Meaningful Activities: Actors 5. The Role of Consumers: Social Participation Beyond Work and the Market 6. The Role of Businesses in the Creation of Sustainable Work 7. Employment in the Tension between Ecology and Distributive Justice: The Role of Trade Unions 8. Voluntary Charitable Activity: Motivation, Prerequisites, Accomplishments Part 3: Employment and Meaningful Activities: Sectors 9. Formal and Informal Care Work 10. Meaningful Activities in Agriculture: Agro-Culture as a Guiding Principle 11. Digitalisation and Concepts of Extended Work Part 4: The Socio-Economic Context 12. Social Security in the Post-Growth Society 13. An Employment-Friendly Tax System 14. Work in Developing and Newly Industrialised Countries Conclusion 15. The Prospects for Practical Action
Post-growth Society;Formal Employment;Hold;informal employment;Follow;sustainable work;Civil Society;consumption;Good Life;degrowth;Gainful Employment;post-growth;Social Ecological Transformation;Voluntary Charitable Activity;Standard Employment Relationship;Alternative Consumption Practices;Full Wage Compensation;Working Time Policy;Ubi;Preventive Social Policy;EVG;UN;Social Security Contributions;European Tax Systems;Wage Compensation;Voluntary Fire Brigade;Private Care Work;Sustainable Everyday Practices;Payment