Poetry and the Built Environment

Poetry and the Built Environment

A Theory of the Flesh of Art

Fowler, Elizabeth

Oxford University Press





15 a 20 dias

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Introduction: Art is the Habituation of Bodily Experience
Part I: Station
1: Two Aspects of Virtual Space
2: Station and Orientation
Part II: Motion
3: The Potential Energy of the Artifact
4: The Contagion of Attitude: Standing, Lying, Turning
Part III: Virtual Pleasure and Pain
5: "A!": Roaming in the Gap Between Sensation and Meaning
6: The Reformation of the Senses
Part IV: Ductility and Genre: The Case of Elegy
7: Sensation and Emotion: Shattered Grief
8: Meaning and Emotion: Enriching Grief
Part V: Virtual Injuries and Rewards
9: Standing in the Historical Space of Injury
10: Presence: The Body in the Station
Afterwords: A Theory of the Flesh of Art in Manifesto Form
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