Poetic Environmental Activism and Education

Poetic Environmental Activism and Education

Thoreau and Shepherd for Times of Ecological Crises

Fulford, Amanda; Jamieson, Victoria

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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PART 1: Education and Environmental Crises in Context: Tracing Themes of Connection and Disconnectedness

Chapter 1: Thoreau and Shepherd: Beginnings

Chapter 2: Environmental Emergencies in Literature: Crises

Chapter 3: Environmental Activism and Environmental Apathy: Disconnectedness

Chapter 4: Education and the Natural World: Reconnecting

PART 2: Thoreau and Shepherd as Poetic Environmental Activists: Tracing Ideas of Dwelling and Attention

Chapter 5: Being with, and in, Nature through Thoreau and Shepherd: Dwelling

Chapter 6: A Care-ful Attention to the Natural Environment: Documenting

Chapter 7: Thoreau and Shepherd: Towards Poetic Environmental Activism

PART 3: Finding Hope: Possibilities for Poetic Environmental Activism in Contemporary Education

Chapter 8: Poetic Environmental Activism in Contemporary Education
Environment;Activism;Poetic;Thoreau;Shepherd;Attention;Care;Education;Nature;eco-poetics;environmental crisis;poetic environmental activism;environmental activism;dwelling in place;dwelling in language;eco-engaged activities;19th- and 20th-century naturalists;ecological values;place-based education;climate emergency;poetic inquiry;literary criticism;ecocriticism;REF's Overview Panel Report for Education;REF 2023;Research Excellence Framework;nature pedagogy