Petroleum Refining Design and Applications Handbook, Volume 3

Petroleum Refining Design and Applications Handbook, Volume 3

Mechanical Separations, Distillation, Packed Towers, Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Process Safety Incidents

Coker, A. Kayode

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Preface xxii

Acknowledgments xxiv

18 Mechanical Separations 1

18.1 Particle Size 1

18.2 Preliminary Separator Selection 6

18.3 Gravity Settlers 16

18.4 Terminal Velocity 19

18.5 Alternate Terminal Velocity Calculation 24

18.6 American Petroleum Institute's Oil Field Separators 28

18.7 Liquid/Liquid, Liquid/Solid Gravity Separations, Decanters, and Sedimentation Equipment 28

18.8 Horizontal Gravity Settlers or Decanters, Liquid/Liquid 29

18.9 Modified Method of Happel and Jordan 33

18.10 Decanter 36

18.11 Impingement Separators 42

18.12 Centrifugal Separators 68

References 246

19 Distillation 249

19.1 Distillation Process Performance 249

19.2 Equilibrium Basic Considerations 252

19.3 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria 253

19.4 Activity Coefficients 262

19.5 Excess Gibbs Energy-GE 263

19.6 K-Value 264

19.7 Ideal Systems 266

19.8 Henry's Law 268

19.9 K-Factor Hydrocarbon Equilibrium Charts 269

19.10 Non-Ideal Systems 277

19.11 Thermodynamic Simulation Software Programs 280

19.12 Vapor Pressure 283

19.13 Azeotropic Mixtures 296

19.14 Bubble Point of Liquid Mixture 311

19.15 Equilibrium Flash Computations 316

19.16 Degrees of Freedom 325

19.17 UniSim (Honeywell) Software 326

19.18 Binary System Material Balance: Constant Molal Overflow Tray to Tray 333

19.19 Determination of Distillation Operating Pressures 343

19.20 Condenser Types From a Distillation Column 344

19.21 Effect of Thermal Condition of Feed 348

19.22 Effect of Total Reflux, Minimum Number of Plates in a Distillation Column 352

19.23 Relative Volatility ? Separating Factor in a Vapor-Liquid System 355

19.24 Rapid Estimation of Relative Volatility 366

19.25 Estimation of Relative Volatilities Under 1.25 (? < 125) by Ryan 367

19.26 Estimation of Minimum Reflux Ratio: Infinite Plates 368

19.27 Calculation of Number of Theoretical Trays at Actual Reflux 370

19.28 Identification of "Pinch Conditions" on an x-y Diagram at High Pressure 373

19.29 Distillation Column Design 376

19.30 Simulation of a Fractionating Column 378

19.31 Determination of Number of Theoretical Plates in Fractionating Columns by the Smoker Equations at Constant Relative Volatility (? = constant) 396

19.32 The Jafarey, Douglas, and McAvoy Equation: Design and Control 401

19.33 Number of Theoretical Trays at Actual Reflux 411

19.34 Estimating Tray Efficiency in a Distillation Column 413

19.35 Steam Distillation 422

19.36 Distillation with Heat Balance of Component Mixture 432

19.37 Multicomponent Distillation 453

19.38 Scheibel-Montross Empirical: Adjacent Key Systems: Constant or Variable Volatility 494

19.39 Minimum Number of Trays: Total Reflux?Constant Volatility 497

19.40 Smith-Brinkley (SB) Method 512

19.41 Retrofit Design of Distillation Columns 514

19.42 Tray-by-Tray for Multicomponent Mixtures 517

19.43 Tray-by-Tray Calculation of a Multicomponent Mixture Using a Digital Computer 531

19.44 Thermal Condition of Feed 532

19.45 Minimum Reflux-Underwood Method, Determination of ?Avg for Multicomponent Mixture 533

19.46 Heat Balance-Adjacent Key Systems with Sharp Separations, Constant Molal Overflow 539

19.47 Stripping Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) from Water with Air 542

19.48 Rigorous Plate-to-Plate Calculation (Sorel Method) 547

19.49 Multiple Feeds and Side Streams for a Binary Mixture 551

19.50 Chou and Yaws Method 558

19.51 Optimum Reflux Ratio and Optimum Number of Trays Calculations 561

19.52 Tower Sizing for Valve Trays 574

19.53 Troubleshooting, Predictive Maintenance, and Controls for Distillation Columns 589

19.54 Distillation Sequencing with Columns Having More than Two Products 622

19.55 Heat Integration of Distillation Columns 630

19.56 Capital Cost Considerations for Distillation Columns 634

19.57 The Pinch Design Approach to Inventing a Network 644

19.58 Appropriate Placement and Integration of Distillation Columns 644

19.59 Heat Integration of Distillation Columns: Summary 645

19.60 Common Installation Errors in Distillation Columns 645

References 693

Bibliography 699

20 Packed Towers and Liquid-Liquid Extraction 703

20.1 Shell 707

20.2 Random Packing 708

20.3 Packing Supports 709

20.4 Liquid Distribution 734

20.5 Packing Installation 739

20.6 Contacting Efficiency, Expressed as Kga, HTU, HETP 755

20.7 Packing Size 756

20.8 Pressure Drop 757

20.9 Materials of Construction 759

20.10 Particle versus Compact Preformed Structured Packings 759

20.11 Minimum Liquid Wetting Rates 760

20.12 Loading Point Loading Region 761

20.13 Flooding Point 772

20.14 Foaming Liquid Systems 773

20.15 Surface Tension Effects 773

20.16 Packing Factors 773

20.17 Recommended Design Capacity and Pressure Drop 776

20.18 Pressure Drop Design Criteria and Guide: Random Packings Only 778

20.19 Effects of Physical Properties 781

20.20 Performance Comparisons 784

20.21 Capacity Basis for Design 784

20.22 Proprietary Random Packing Design Guides 796

20.23 Liquid Hold-Up 822

20.24 Packing Wetted Area 824

20.25 Effective Interfacial Area 826

20.26 Entrainment from Packing Surface 827

20.27 Structured Packing 830

20.28 Structured Packing: Technical Performance Features 849

20.29 New Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation Charts 855

20.30 Mass and Heat Transfer in Packed Tower 855

20.31 Number of Transfer Units, NOG, NOL 856

20.32 Gas and Liquid-Phase Coefficients, kG and kL 868

20.33 Height of a Transfer Unit, HOG, HOL, HTU 869

20.34 Distillation in Packed Towers 874

20.35 Liquid-Liquid Extraction 893

20.36 Process Parameters 908

20.37 Solvents Selection for the Extraction Unit 911

20.38 Phenol Extraction Process of Lubes 913

20.39 Furfural Extraction Process 914

20.40 Dispersed-Phase Droplet Size 916

20.41 Theory 920

20.42 Nernst's Distribution Law 921

20.43 Tie Lines 921

20.44 Phase Diagrams 929

20.45 Countercurrent Extractors 931

20.46 Extraction Equipment 935

References 956

Glossary 961

Appendix D 1087

Appendix F 1163

About the Author 1179

Index 1181
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<p>Mechanical separation; Distillation, Dividing wall column; Tower sizing; Distillation sequencing; Heat Integration of Distillation Columns; Packed tower; Liquid-liquid Extraction; Troubleshooting; Controls for Distillation Columns; Rules of Thumb; Flowsheet design; Fluid Flow; Oil System Piping; Pressure drop for Incompressible fluids; Compressible fluids; Two-phase flow; Panhandle Gas Flow Formula; UniSim Design PIPESYS; Pumps; Compressors; Mechanical separation; Distillation; Tower sizing; Distillation sequencing; Heat Integration of Distillation Columns; Packed tower; Liquid-liquid Extraction; Troubleshooting; Controls for Distillation Columns</p>