Parking Regulation and Management

Parking Regulation and Management

The Emerging Tool for a Sustainable City

Albalate, Daniel; Gragera, Albert

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. The external cost of parking: an overview of its impact on traffic systems 2. Cruising costs and the price elasticity of parking demand 3. Parking regulation and cruising for parking 4. Establishing and assessing adaptive parking prices in the city: algorithms, software and examples 5. The important role of information in the parking market 6. Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a review of the current literature, some empirical observations and an agenda for further research 7. Parking and city logistics 8. The spatial effects of employer paid parking 9. Parking policy and real estate: the case of very low minimum parking requirements 10. Political economy of parking 11. Local opportunities for digital parking 12. The future of parking management: the view from the industry Epilogue: what to learn from this book
Curbside Parking;Parking Industry;traffic systems;Parking Pricing;cruising costs;Parking Spaces;parking demand;Parking Occupancy;parking regulation;Parking Policies;pricing;Minimum Parking Requirements;enforcement;Parking Requirements;logistics;spatial effects;SUMPs;real estate;Parking Guidance Systems;political economy;Van Ommeren;Residential Parking Permits;Parking Spot;Urban Mobility System;Parking Costs;Parking Subsidy;Parking Maneuver;Parking Tariffs;Parking Market;Residential Land Rent;Information Frictions;Parking Information;Urban Heat Islands;Average Occupancy Rate