Organizations and Industry 4.0

Organizations and Industry 4.0

Management Solutions Beyond Technology

Potocan, Vojko; Nedelko, Zlatko; Lazanyi, Kornelia

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1. Industry 4.0 2. Technological and non-technological factors of Industry 4.0 implementation in organizations 3. Industry 4.0 and management tools in organizations 4. Utilization of management tools in organizations 5. Adapting human resources for Industry 4.0 6. Industry 4.0 and human-robot interaction 7. Conclusions and future outlook
Industry 4.0;Industry 5.0;Cyber-physical systems (CPS);Internet of things (IoT);Digitalization;Advanced technologies;Automatization;critical success factors;technological factors;non-technological factors