Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1

Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1

Proceedings of the 40th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2022

Kuether, Robert J.; Brake, Matthew R.W.; Renson, Ludovic; Tiso, Paolo

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Scattering from a Bi-stable Elastica Arm.- Chapter 2. An Investigation of Complex Mode Shapes.- Chapter 3. Investigating the Potential of Electrical Connection Chatter Induced by Structural Dynamics.- Chapter 4. Ensemble of Numerics-Informed Neural Networks with Embedded Hamiltonian Constraints for Modeling Nonlinear Structural Dynamics.- Chapter 5. System Identification of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures Using Reduced-Order Models.- Chapter 6. Indirect Reduced-Order Modelling of Nonconservative Nonlinear Structures.- Chapter 7. Hyper-Reduced Computation of Nonlinear and Distributed Surface Loads on Finite Element Structures based on Stress Trial Vectors.- Chapter 8. Nonlinear Modelling of an F16 Benchmark Measurement.- Chapter 9. Mathematical Model Identification of Self-excited Systems Using Experimental Bifurcation Analysis Data.- Chapter 10. Shape Optimisation for Friction Dampers with Stress Constraint.- Chapter 11. Design of Flap-Nonlinear Energy Sinks for Post-Flutter Mitigation using Data-Driven Forecasting.- Chapter 12. TriboMechaDynamics Challenge 2021: A Multi Harmonic Balance Analysis from Imperial College London.- Chapter 13. Experimental Proof-of-Concept of Contact Pressure Distribution Control in Frictional Interfaces with Piezoelectric Actuators.- Chapter 14. Experimental Observations of Nonlinear Damping of Additively Manufactured Components with Internal Particle Dampers.- Chapter 15. Data-Driven Reduced-Order Model for Turbomachinery Blisks with Friction Nonlinearity.- Chapter 16. Determination of Flutter Speed of 2D Nonlinear Wing by using Describing Function Method and State Space Formulation.- Chapter 17. Application of Geometrically Nonlinear Metamaterial Device for Structural Vibration Mitigation.- Chapter 18. Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Uniform and Functionally Graded Beams with Spectral Chebyshev Technique and Harmonic Balance Method.- Chapter 19. Experimental Characterization of Superharmonic Resonances Using Phase-Lock Loop and Control-Based Continuation.- Chapter 20. On Modelling Statistically-independent Nonlinear Normal Modes with Gaussian-process NARX Models.- Chapter 21. Non-Linear Kinematic Damping in Phononic Crystals with Inertia Ampflification.- Chapter 22. Mitigation of Nonlinear Structural Vibrations by Duffing Type Oscillators using Real-Time Hybrid Simulation.- Chapter 23. Approximate Bayesian Inference for Piecewise-Linear Stiffness Systems.- Chapter 24. Experimental Model Update for Single Lap Joints.- Chapter 25. Data-Driven Identification of Multiple Local Nonlinear Attachments Installed on a Single Primary Structure.- Chapter 26. Supervised Learning for Abrupt Change Detection in a Driven Eccentric Wheel.- Chapter 27. Bolt-Jointed Structural Modelling by Including Uncertainty in Contact Interface Parameters.- Chapter 28. Parameter Estimation of Jointed Structures using Alternating Frequency-Time Harmonic-Balance.- Chapter 29. A Novel Test Rig for the Validation of Nonlinear FrictionContact Parameters of Turbine Blade Root Joints.- Chapter 30. Data-driven Identification and Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with a Deep Learning Approach: Koopman Operators and Nonlinear Normal Modes.- Chapter 31. Data-driven Nonlinear Modal Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach.- Chapter 32. Higher Order Invariant Manifolds Parametrisation of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures Modelled with Large Finite Element Models.- Chapter 33. Application of Black-Box NIXO to Experimental Measurements.- Chapter 34. Reliable Damage Tracking in Nonlinear Systems via Phase Space Warping: A Case Study.- Chapter 35. Nonlinear Modes of Cantilever Beams at Extreme Amplitudes: Numerical Computation and Experiments.- Chapter 36. Stability and Convergence Analysis of the Harmonic Balance Method for a Duffing Oscillator with Freeplay.- Chapter 37. A Physics-based Modeling Approach for the Dynamics of Bolted Joints: Deterministic and Stochastic Perspectives.- Chapter 38. A Review of Critical Parameters Required for Accurate Model Updating of Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Systems.- Chapter 39. Magnetic Excitation System for Experimental Nonlinear Vibration Analysis.- Chapter 40. Predicting Nonlinearity in the TMD Benchmark Structure using QSMA and SICE.- Chapter 41. Evolution of the Dynamics of Jointed Structures over pro-longed Testing.- Chapter 42. On the use of Variational Autoencoders for Nonlinear Modal Analysis.
Nonlinear dynamics;modal analysis;structural engineering;complexity;nonlinearity and signal identification