New Directions in the Ethics and Politics of Speech

New Directions in the Ethics and Politics of Speech

Messina, J.P.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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New Directions, J.P. Messina

The Possibility and Defensibility of Nonstate "Censorship", Andrew I. Cohen and Andrew J. Cohen

Speech, Sorting, and Discovery, Ryan Muldoon

Don't Block the Exits, Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke

Taxation, Ideology, and Higher Education, Hrishikesh Joshi

Free Speech, Celebrity Status, and Ethical Obligations, Chris W. Surprenant

Rereading Black Like Me: Speech Matters, Context Matters, Kathryn L. Lynch

Democracy without the Government: The Importance of Local News to Free Speech, Alice Dreger

The Conservative Defense of Free Speech, Luke Sheahan
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J.P. Messina;Andrew I. Cohen;Andrew J. Cohen;Ryan Muldoon;Brandon Warmke;Justin Tosi;Alice Dreger;Hrishikesh Joshi;Molly McGrath;Kathryn Lynch;Tom Cushman;Luke Sheahan;free speech;freedom of speech;free expression;political philosophy;censorship;non-state censorship;social media;Big Tech;marketplace of ideas;exit blocking;discourse;disloyalty;partisanship;deplatforming;ideological homogeneity;political correctness;Black Like Me;symbolic interaction;gestural freedom;repression;conservatism;Violates;Wo;Testimonial Injustice;Epistemic Environment;NPR;Epistemic Injustice;Follow;Virtuous Habits;Seditious Libel;Epistemic Communities;Modern University System;Young Man;Speech Environment;Epistemic Institutions;WWTP;Unwritten Constitution;FOIA Request;Good Life;Internal Revenue Service;Con;Comparable Moral Importance;Traditionalist Conservatism;Ivanka Trump;MSU