Network Forensics

Network Forensics

Privacy and Security

Bijalwan, Anchit

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part A: Network Forensics Concepts. 1: Introduction. 1.1 Network Security. 1.2 Digital Forensics . 1.3 Computer Forensics . 1.4 Network Forensics . 1.5 Computer Forensics Vs Network Forensics 2: Cyber Crime. 2.1 Introduction2.2 Attack Intentions2.3 Malware2.3 Terminology for the Cyber Attackers2.4 Types of attacks 3: Network Forensics & Its Process Model. 3.1 Introduction3.2 Recent trends in Network Forensics3.3 Network Forensics Life Cycle 3.4 Generic Process Model3.5 Frameworks 4: Classification of Network Forensics. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Types of Network Forensics Classification4.3 Payload Classification4.4 Signature based Classification4.5 Decision Tree based classification4.6 Ensemble based Classification Part B: Network Forensics Acquisition 5: Network Forensics Tools. 5.1 Introduction5.2 IP tracing Tools5.3 Traceroute Tools 5.4 Monitoring Tools 5.5 Analysis Tools 6: Network Forensics Techniques. 6.1 Introduction6.2 Conventional Network Forensics Techniques6.3 Advanced Network Forensics Techniques 7: Detection of Vulnerabilities7.1 Introduction7.2 Network Forensics Acquisition 7.3 Identification of Network Attacks. Part C: Network Forensics Attribution 8: Network Forensics Analysis8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Network Forensic Process Model. 8.3Framework for Analysis. 8.4 Network Forensic Traffic Analysis (Case-1). 8.5 Network Forensic Traffic Analysis (Case-2) 9: Evidence &Incident Response. 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Evidence Handling9.3 Types of Evidence9.4 Evidence Handling Procedure9.5 Incident response 9.6 Initial Response Process9.7 Incident Classification 10: Botnet Forensics. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Evolution of Botnet. 10.3 Botnet Lifecycle. 10.4 Botnet Structure. 10.5 Botnet Security Attacks. 10.6 Traditional Botnet Attacks. 10.7 Recent Botnet Attacks 11: Botnet Forensics. 11.1 Introduction. 11.2 Methodology used in Botnet Forensics. 11.3 Nature of Botnet Forensics. 11.4 Background. 11.5 Botnet Forensics Classification. 11.6 Botnet Forensic Framework. 11.7 Botnet Forensic Analysis. 11.8 Challenges . Summary 12: System Investigation & Ethical Issues. 12.1 Introduction12.2 Crimes12.3 Computer Law12.4 Live System12.6 Live System Analysis12.7 Ethical Issues
Network Forensics;Intrusion Detection System;Digital Forensic;UDP Flood;Network Traffic;Network Security Services;ICMP;ICMP Flood;Click Fraud;Botnet Attack;High Interaction Honeypot;Malware Sample;Pcap File;Tcp Protocol;Intrusion Prevention System;UDP Protocol;Digital Evidence;Spam Mails;ICMP Protocol;Bloom Filter;IP Address;DPI;Botnet Traffic;ICMP Echo Request;Computer Forensics