Modern Responsa

Modern Responsa

An Anthology of Jewish Ethical and Ritual Decisions

Barmash, Pamela

Jewish Publication Society





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Introduction: Understanding Responsa
How to Use This Book
Notes on Translation
1. Personal and Business Ethics
Text 1.1. Cardin and Reisner, "On the Mitzvah of Sustainability"
Text 1.2. Leff, "Whistleblowing: The Requirement to Report Employer Wrongdoing"
Text 1.3. Weiss, "About Commercial Encroachment"
Text 1.4. Somekh and Al-?akam, "On Commerce in the Markets of Malabar"
Text 1.5. Barmash, "Veal Calves"
2. Ritual
Text 2.1. Sofer, "On Using the Vernacular in Prayer"
Text 2.2. Halevi, "What Are the Chances That Our Prayers Are Answered by God?"
Text 2.3. ccar Responsa Committee, "A Sex Offender in the Synagogue"
3. Personal Status
Text 3.1. Oshry, "The Case of a Mamzer Rabbi"
Text 3.2. Spitz, "Mamzerut"
Text 3.3. Mesas, "A Pesak Din in a Matter of Mamzerut"
Text 3.4. ccar Responsa Committee, "Patrilineal and Matrilineal Descent"
Text 3.5. Yosef, "On the Status of Ethiopian Jews"
Text 3.6. Barmash, "The Status of the ?eresh [Deaf Mute] and of Sign Language"
4. Women
Text 4.1. Lauterbach, "Shall Women Be Ordained Rabbis?"
Text 4.2. Herzog, "Takkanot on Marriage and Yibbum"
Text 4.3. Roness, "When Staining Renders a Woman Niddah"
Text 4.4. Rembaum, "Regarding the Inclusion of the Names of the Matriarchs in the First Blessing of the Amidah"
Text 4.5. Barmash, "Women and Mitzvot"
5. lgbtqia+
Text 5.1. Roth, "Homosexuality"
Text 5.2. Dorff, Nevins, and Reisner, "Homosexuality, Human Dignity and Halakhah"
Text 5.3. ccar Responsa Committee, "Same-Sex Marriage as Kiddushin"
Text 5.4. Sharzer, "Transgender Jews and Halakhah"
6. Medical Ethics
Text 6.1. Sternbuch, "A Woman Suffering from Alzheimer's Disease Whose Husband Wishes to Divorce Her"
Text 6.2. Mevorakh, "Eating on Yom Kippur When a Person Is Suffering from an Eating Disorder (Anorexia)"
Text 6.3. Waldenberg, "On Abortion in General"
Text 6.4. Waldenberg, "On the Abortion of a Fetus with Tay-Sachs Disease"
Text 6.5. Grossman, '"Partial Birth Abortion' and the Question of When Human Life Begins"
7. The covid-19 Pandemic
Text 7.1. Co-chairs, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, "Halakhic Guidance from cjls about Coronavirus"
Text 7.2. ccar Responsa Committee, "Virtual Minyan in Time of covid-19 Emergency"
Text 7.3. Iggud ?akhmei ha-Ma'arav be-Eretz Yisrael, "On a Seder via Zoom"
Text 7.4. Schachter, "Washing on Tisha b'Av" and "Regarding the Rule of 'God Protects the Simple'"
Text 7.5. Barmash, "Ethics of Gathering When Not All of Us May Attend in Person"
8. Relationships with the Other
Text 8.1. Shapira, "Engaging in a Public Fast in Sympathy with German Jews"
Text 8.2. Weinberg, "On the Burial of a Person Converted by Liberal Rabbis"
Text 8.3. Halevi, "Transcendental Meditation"
Text 8.4. Hirsch and Rapport, "Yoga as a Jewish Worship Practice: Chukat Hagoyim or Spiritual Innovation?"
Text 8.5. Hammer, "The Status of Non-Jews in Jewish Law and Lore Today"
9. The Modern State of Israel
Text 9.1. Goren, "The Siege on Beirut in Light of Halakhah"
Text 9.2. Halevi, "The Law of 'the One Who Comes Forth to Kill You, Kill Him First' in Our State Affairs"
Text 9.3. Friedman, "A Responsum on the Issue of 'the Greater Land of Israel' and Halakhah"
Text 9.4. Yosef, "Ceding Territory from the Land of Israel When There Is Pikku'a? Nefesh"
Text 9.5. Yisraeli, "Ceding Territory because of Pikku'a? Nefesh"
10. Life in the United States
Text 10.1. Committee on Responsa of the Committee on Army and Navy Religious Activities, "Responsa in War Time"
Text 10.2. Feinstein, "American Thanksgiving"
Text 10.3. Kalmanofsky, "Participating in the American Death Penalty"
Source Acknowledgments
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Jewish Studies; Jewish Theology; Judaism; Conservative movement; Religious Movement; Orthodox movement; Seminary; Reform movement; Ashkenazic; Sefardic; Mizra?i; Jewish law; ethics history; medical ethics; LGBTQIA; Israel; Jewish life in the United States; Jewish legal writings; religion; congregational education; Religious Studies; Law and Religion; Jewish Civilization and Religion; Comparative Religion; Jewish Philosophy; Conservatism; Rabbinical Studies; Jewish Thought