Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy

Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy

The Politics of Military Justice

Kyle, Brett J.; Reiter, Andrew G.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Why Military Justice Matters

Chapter 2. The Role of Military Justice in the Modern World

Chapter 3. Judges, Generals, and Politicians: The Fight Over Military Justice

Chapter 4. Full Subordination in Portugal and Colombia: Playing by Civilian Rules

Chapter 5. Jurisdictional Contestation in Indonesia and Fiji: Competing for Control of Military Justice

Chapter 6. Military Overreach in Brazil and Pakistan: When the Generals Become the Judges

Chapter 7. From Full Subordination to Military Overreach and Back Again: Military Justice in the United States

Chapter 8. Conclusion

Appendix. Military Legal Subordination in the Modern World
Military Justice System;Military Justice;Military Justice Systems;Military Courts;Jurisdictional Contestation;Full Subordination;Rule of Law;Democracy;Human Rights;Civil Military Relations;Subordination;Civil Society;Military rule;Civilian Courts;Civilian;Legal Subordination;Terrorism;International Humanitarian Law;Security;Martial Law;Armed conflict;Military Jurisdiction;Estonia;Civilian Judiciary;Brazil;Military Crimes;Guatemala;Domestic CSOs;Pakistan;Ethnic Fijians;Legal battle;East Timor;Civil-military relations;Martial Law Regulations;Modern democracy;Komnas Ham;Political power;Average POLITY Score;West Germany;FijiFirst Party;Troubled Practices;Military Court System