Milestones in the Evolving Theory of Evolution

Milestones in the Evolving Theory of Evolution

Paz, Naomi; Friedman, Leonid; Wool, David

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction. The starting point: Evolution versus Creation? The Origin of Life. THE FIRST CIRCLE. Early theories: Creation, Pre-formation and Order in the Biological World. More Theories. THE SECOND CIRCLE. Georges Cuvier and the Theory of Catastrophes. Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire: The Theory of Comparative Anatomy. Jean Baptiste Lamarck: The Theory of Descent. Charles Lyell: "The Father of Geology". THE THIRD CIRCLE: CHARLES DARWIN, HIS THEORY, HIS SUPPORTERS AND ADVERSARIES. Charles Darwin: The Formative Years. Evolution of the Theory of Natural Selection. On the Same Track: Ideas about the History of Life before 1859. Alfred Russell Wallace. Thomas Henry Huxley. Louis Agassiz: Classification and the Plan of Nature. The Struggle for Existence of the Theory of Evolution. Charles Darwin: "The Descent of Man" (1871). Charles Darwin, "Sexual Selection". Charles Darwin in the Vegetable Kingdom. Heredity in the 19th Century: What did Darwin know? Ernst Haeckel: Embryology and Phylogeny in Evolution. August Weismann: The Theory of the Germ Plasm and the (Non)-Inheritance of Acquired Characters. Francis Galton: Quantitative Measurements of Heredity. The Biometricians: Karl Pearson. THE FOURTH CIRCLE: THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IN THE 20th CENTURY. Gregor Mendel and the Origin of Genetics. Hugo de Vries and the Theory of Mutations. T. H. Morgan: Drosophila, Genetics and Evolution. The Resurrection of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters: from Weismann to Lysenko. Genetics in Populations: An Introductory Overview. R.A. Fisher: The Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection. J.B.S. Haldane: Science in Everyday Life and Genetics in Populations. Sewall Wright: Chance and Evolution in Small Populations. Theodosius Dobzhansky. Ernst Mayr: The Biological Species and Speciation. Julian Sorrel Huxley. Richard Goldschmidt (1878 -1958): Genetics, Evolution, and Hopeful Monsters. E.B. Ford and H.B.D. Kettlewell: Ecological Genetics. Motoo Kimura and the Neutrality Hypothesis. Closing comments.
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USA;Cuvier;Darwin's theory;Galton;Evolution;Held;Natural selection;Animal Kingdom;Struggle for existence;Follow;Darwin's predecessors;Vertebrate;Erasmus Darwin;Unlimited;Charles Lyell and Darwin;Young Man;Cuvier and Comparative anatomy;Museum Of Natural History;Lamarck versus Darwin;Kimura and neutralism;Mankind;Population genetics;Mendel's Paper;T.H. Huxley and Darwin;Articulata;A.R. Wallace and Darwin;Sexual Selection;History of Science;Assortative Mating;Louis Agassiz - the antiDarwinian;Hardy Weinberg Law;Th.Dobzhansky and Man in evolution;Allele Frequencies;Hopeful monsters;Reproductive Isolation;Richard Goldshmidt;Zoological Philosophy;Ernst Mayr and the genetic definition of species;Vice Versa;DNA technology;Genetic Drift;Protein electrophoresis;Industrial Melanism;Darwin's theory of evolution;Incipient Species;Morgan's Laboratory