Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research

Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research

Kazdin, Alan E.

American Psychological Association





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Part I. Introduction: Overview and Background
Chapter 1. Methodology: What It Is and Why It Is So Important
Alan E. Kazdin
Part II. Beginning the Research Process
Research Ideas
Chapter 2. Beginning the Process: Key Concepts and Questions to Guide Research
Alan E. Kazdin
Chapter 3. Getting Out of Our Conceptual Ruts: Strategies for Expanding Conceptual Frameworks
Allan W. Wicker
Foci of Research
Chapter 4. In Defense of External Invalidity
Douglas G. Mook
Chapter 5. When Small Effects Are Impressive
Deborah A. Prentice and Dale T. Miller
Part III. Participants in Research
Samples and Selection of Participants
Chapter 6. A WEIRD View of Human Nature Skews Psychologists' Studies
Dan Jones
Chapter 7. Toward a Psychology of Homo Sapiens: Making Psychological Science More Representative of the Human Population
Mostafa Salari Rad, Alison Jane Martingano, and Jeremy Ginges
Diversity of Participants
Chapter 8. On Becoming Multicultural in a Monocultural Research World: A Conceptual Approach to Studying Ethnocultural Diversity
Gordon C. Nagayama Hall, Tiffany Yip, and Michael A. Zarate
Chapter 9. Designing Studies for Sex and Gender Analyses: How Research Can Derive Clinically Useful Knowledge for Women's Health
Ruth Klap and Keith Humphreys
Part IV. Design Options With and Without Randomization
Research Designs Options
Chapter 10. Experimental and Observational Designs: An Overview
Alan E. Kazdin
Chapter 11. Observational Studies and Their Utility for Practice
Julia F. M. Gilmartin-Thomas, Danny Liew, and Ingrid Hopper
Randomization and Randomized Controlled Trials
Chapter 12. Random Sampling, Randomization, and Equivalence of Contrasted Groups in Psychotherapy Outcome Research
Louis M. Hsu
Chapter 13. Randomized Controlled Trials: Characteristics, Options, and Challenges
Alan E. Kazdin
Part V. Assessment
Core Concepts and Considerations in Developing and Selecting Measures
Chapter 14. Constructing Validity: New Developments in Creating Objective Measuring Instruments
Lee Anna Clark and David Watson
Chapter 15. Selecting Measures for Research Investigations
Alan E. Kazdin
Novel Measurement Options
Chapter 16. Computer-Enhanced Practice: The Benefits of Computer-Assisted Assessment in Applied Clinical Practice
Stephanie Ruth Young, Danika L. S. Maddocks, and Jacqueline M. Caemmerer
Chapter 17. Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) in Studies of Substance Use
Saul Shiffman
Chapter 18. AI in Mental Health
Simon D'Alfonso
Part VI. Data Analysis, Evaluation, and Presentation
Background and Underpinnings of Data Analyses
Chapter 19. A Power Primer
Jacob Cohen
Chapter 20. Abandon Statistical Significance
Blakeley B. McShane, David Gal, Andrew Gelman, Christian Robert, and Jennifer L. Tackett
Chapter 21. Ethical Concerns in Statistical Analyses: Implications for Clinical Research and Practice
Owen J. Gaasedelen
Data Exploration and Multiple Methods of Data Analyses
Chapter 22. Exploratory Data Analysis as a Foundation of Inductive Research
Andrew T. Jebb, Scott Parrigon, and Sang Eun Woo
Chapter 23. When Should We Use One-Tailed Hypothesis Testing?
Graeme D. Ruxton and Markus Neuhaeuser
Chapter 24. The Proof of the Pudding: An Illustration of the Relative Strengths of Null Hypothesis, Meta-Analysis, and Bayesian Analysis
George S. Howard, Scott E. Maxwell, and Kevin J. Fleming
Data Presentation
Chapter 25. Designing Better Graphs by Including Distributional Information and Integrating Words, Numbers, and Images
David M. Lane and Aniko Sandor
Part VII. Special Topics: Evaluation in Clinical Practice and Research
Evaluating Clinical Effects of Treatment
Chapter 26. Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) and Feedback: Research Review and Recommendations
Michael Barkham, Kim De Jong, Jaime Delgadillo, and Wolfgang Lutz
Chapter 27. Revisiting and Reenvisioning the Outcome Problem in Psychotherapy: An Argument to Include Individualized and Qualitative Measurement
Clara E. Hill, Harold Chui, and Ellen Baumann
Extending Treatments
Chapter 28. Beyond Efficacy and Effectiveness: A Multifaceted Approach to Treatment Evaluation
Timothy D. Nelson and Ric G. Steele
Chapter 29. Testing Psychosocial Interventions in the Contexts They Are Meant to be Delivered
Rinad S. Beidas, Lisa Saldana, and Rachel C. Shelton
Part VIII. Multiple Methodologies and Levels of Data Analysis
Beyond Quantitative Methods
Chapter 30. What Can Qualitative Psychology Contribute to Psychological Knowledge?
Carla Willig
Chapter 31. Mixed Methods Research in Psychology
Timothy C. Guetterman and Analay Perez
Chapter 32. Single-Case Experimental Research Designs
Alan E. Kazdin
Big Data, Secondary Data Sets, and Collaborative Science
Chapter 33. Big Data in Psychology: A Framework for Research Advancement
Idris Adjerid and Ken Kelley
Chapter 34. Getting Started: Working With Secondary Data
Amy M. Pienta, JoAnne McFarland O'Rourke, and Melissa M. Franks
Chapter 35. How to Build Up Big Team Science: A Practical Guide for Large-Scale Collaborations
Heidi A. Baumgartner, Nicolas Alessandroni, Krista Byers-Heinlein, Michael C. Frank, J. Kiley Hamlin, Melanie Soderstrom, Jan G. Voelkel, Robb Willer, Francis Yuen, and Nicholas A. Coles
Part IX. Ethics and Scientific Integrity
Guidelines and Codes
Chapter 36. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
American Psychological Association
Chapter 37. Research Ethics: How to Treat People Who Participate in Research
Ezekiel Emanuel, Emily Abdoler, and Leanne Stunkel
Professional Responsibilities for the Conduct of Research
Chapter 38. International Recommendations to Guide Multiple Facets of the Research and Publication Process
Alan E. Kazdin
Chapter 39. False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant
Joseph P. Simmons, Leif D. Nelson, and Uri Simonsohn
Chapter 40. Best Practices for Allocating Appropriate Credit and Responsibility to Authors of Multi-Authored Articles
Lucas D. Eggert
Part X. Open Science, Replication, and Research Practices
Open Science
Chapter 41. A Manifesto for Reproducible Science
Marcus R. Munafo, Brian A. Nosek, Dorothy V. M. Bishop, Katherine S. Button, Christopher D. Chambers, Nathalie Percie du Sert, Uri Simonsohn, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Jennifer J. Ware, and John P. A. Ioannidis
Chapter 42. Replicate Others as You Would Like to Be Replicated Yourself
Nicole Janz and Jeremy Freese
Practices to Improve Research
Chapter 43. A Template for Preregistration of Quantitative Research in Psychology: Report of the Joint Psychological Societies Preregistration Task Force
Michael Bosnjak, Christian J. Fiebach, David Mellor, Stefanie Mueller, Daryl B. O'Connor, Frederick L. Oswald, and Rosemarie I. Sokol
Chapter 44. Responsible Practices for Data Sharing
George Alter and Richard Gonzalez
Part XI. Publication and Communication of Research
Reporting Standards: What to Cover and Include in an Article
Chapter 45. Journal Article Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report
Mark Appelbaum, Harris Cooper, Rex B. Kline, Evan Mayo-Wilson, Arthur M. Nezu, and Stephen M. Rao
Communicating Research Findings
Chapter 46. Publication and Communication of Research Findings
Alan E. Kazdin
Part XII. Perspectives on Methodology
Chapter 47. Methodology: Perspectives and General Lessons to Guide Research
Alan E. Kazdin
About the Editor
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psychology research; mixed methods; quantitative research; qualitative research; clinical psychology; study design; research ideas; operational definitions; research ethics; sample selection; research participants; case study; research designs; clinical studies; diversity in research; quasi-experimental studies; observational studies; informed consent; data evaluation; statistical evaluation; research statistics; cross sectional studies; longitudinal studies; translational research; institutional review boards; randomized controlled trials; clinical trials; control groups; pretest; posttest; true experiment; factorial designs; multiple treatment designs; cross sectional study; case control study; retrospective studies; cohort studies; prospective studies; replication; open science; research bias; rct; placebo; control conditions; reliability; validity; sample diversity; single case design; between group experiment; random sampling