Mastering Collaboration in a Product Team

Mastering Collaboration in a Product Team

70 Techniques to Help Teams Build Better Products

Califano, Glaudia; Spinks, David; Hampshire, Natasha







15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. How Long Has It Been.- Chapter 2: Feedback Bizarre.- Chapter 3. Crazy 8s.- Chapter 4. Interviews.- Chapter 5. Collect, Converge and Converse.- Chapter 6. Proto Personas.- Chapter 7. Declaring Assumptions.- Chapter 8. Product Life Cycle.- Chapter 9. Stick Your Nose In Your Competitor's Business.- Chapter 10. Worst Possible Ideas- Chapter 11. Journey Map.- Chapter 12. Put Your Different Thinking Hats On.- Chapter 13. Focus Groups.- Chapter 14. Evaluate Your Options.- Chapter 15. Hypotheses.- Chapter 16. Seen and Heard.- Chapter 17. Flows.- Chapter 18. Empathy Mapping.- Chapter 19. Heuristic Evaluation.- Chapter 20. 10 10 10 Rule.- Chapter 21. Knowing When to Stop.- Chapter 22. Tomorrow's Headline.- Chapter 23. Speaking the Same Language.- Chapter 24.Experience Based Road Mapping.- Chapter 25. Card Sorting.- Chapter 26. Service Blueprinting.- Chapter 27. Go and Do.- Chapter 28. Kano Model.- Chapter 29. Laddering Up.- Chapter 30. Pirate Metrics.- Chapter 31. Paper Prototyping.- Chapter 32. How Might We.- Chapter 33. Stakeholder Mapping.- Chapter 34. Vanishing Options.- Chapter 35. Guerrilla Testing.- Chapter 36. Tree Testing.- Chapter 37. Inclusive Thinking.- Chapter 38. Your Vision on a Box.- Chapter 39. See for Yourselves.- Chapter 40. A B Testing.- Chapter 41. Story Mapping.- Chapter 42. Creative Pause.- Chapter 43. You Had Me on the First Click.- Chapter 44. Dear Diary.- Chapter 45. Wire Frames.- Chapter 46. Trade-off Sliders.- Chapter 47. Reaction Card Method.- Chapter 48. ImpactMapping.- Chapter 49. Swarming.- Chapter 50. Keeping Your Ear to the Ground.- Chapter 51. Thinking with your Hands.- Chapter 52. Jobs to be Done.- Chapter 53. Information Radiators.- Chapter 54. Opportunity Scoring.- Chapter 55. Questioning with Curiosity.- Chapter 56. Buy a Feature.- Chapter 57. SCAMPER.- Chapter 58. Elevator Pitch.- Chapter 59. User Stories.- Chapter 60. User Driven Prototyping.- Chapter 61. Body Storming.- Chapter 62. World Cafe.- Chapter 63. Opportunity Solution Tree.- Chapter 64. Storyboarding.- Chapter 65. Door to the Future.- Chapter 66. Ecocycle.- Chapter 67. Wizard of Oz.- Chapter 68. Idea Journal.- Chapter 69. Usability Testing.- Chapter 70. Hindsight 2020.- Appendix.
Product;Product Management;Product Discovery;Product Development;Product Ownership;User Experience;User Research;Design Thinking;User Centered Design;Maximize Value;Build the Right;Product Collaboration