Lectures on Spin Dynamics

Lectures on Spin Dynamics

The Theoretical Minimum

Pileio, Giuseppe

Royal Society of Chemistry






15 a 20 dias


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Lecture 1: Operator and Superoperator Algebra;

Lecture 2: Spin;

Lecture 3: The Quantum Description of an Isolated Spin-1/2;

Lecture 4: Irreducible Spherical Tensors;

Lecture 5: Perturbation Methods;

Lecture 6: The Spin Hamiltonian;

Lecture 7: The Radiofrequency Hamiltonian and the Rotating Frame;

Lecture 8: The Dynamics of an Isolated Spin-1/2;

Lecutre 9: The Density Operator;

Lecture 10: The Dynamics of a Single Spin-1/2 Ensemble;

Lecture 11: The Dynamics of an Ensemble of Coupled Spin-1/2 Pairs;

Lecture 12: A Relaxation Theory of Nuclear Spin States;

Workshop 1: Spin States and Operators;

Workshop 2: Spherical Tensors and Spin Hamiltonians;

Workshop 3: The Dynamics of Single Spin-1/2 Systems;

The Dynamics of an Ensemble of Spin-1/2 Pairs and Spin Relaxation
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Dynamics; Giuseppe; Lectures; Minimum; Pileio; Spin; Theoretical