Learning and Intelligent Optimization

Learning and Intelligent Optimization

16th International Conference, LION 16, Milos Island, Greece, June 5-10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers

Rasskazova, Varvara A.; Pardalos, Panos M.; Kotsireas, Ilias S.; Archetti, Francesco; Simos, Dimitris E.

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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?Invited Papers.- Optimal Scheduling of the Leaves of a Tree and the SVO Frequencies of Languages.- From Design of Experiments to Combinatorics of Disasters: A Conceptual Framework for Disaster Exercises.- Separating two polyhedra utilizing alternative theorems and penalty function.- Contributed Papers. -A Composite Index Method for Optimization Benchmarking.- Optimal Energy Management of Microgrid Using Multi-objective Optimisation Approach.- A Stochastic Alternating Balance k-Means Algorithm for Fair Clustering.- Binary Black Widow Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection Problems.- Learning to Solve a Stochastic Orienteering Problem with Time Windows.- ML-based approach for accelerating global search algorithm for solving multicriteria problems .- The Skewed Kruskal algorithm.- Bounds for sparse solutions of K-SVCR multi-class classification model.- Integer Linear Programming in Solving an Optimization Problem at the Mixing Department of the Metallurgical Production.- Realtime Gray-Box Algorithm Configuration.- Dynamic urban solid waste management system for smart cities.- Single MCMC Chain Parallelisation on Decision Trees.- Single MCMC Chain Parallelisation on Decision Trees.- Competitive supply allocation in a distribution network under overproduction.- Safe-exploration of control policies from safe-experience via Gaussian Processes.- Bayesian Optimization in Wasserstein Spaces.- Network Vulnerability Analysis in Wasserstein Spaces.- BERT Self-Learning Approach with Limited Labels for Document Classification.- Autonomous Learning Optimization for Deep Learning.- Optimizing Data Augmentation Policy through Random Unidimensional Search.- Evaluating Student Behaviour on the MathE Platform - Clustering Algorithms Approaches.- Unsupervised Training for Neural TSP Solver.- Comparing surrogate models for tuning optimization algorithms.- Search and Score-based Waterfall Auction Optimization.- Survey on KNN Methods in Data Science.- Constrained Shortest Path and Hierarchical Structures.- Investigation of Graph Neural Networks for Instance Segmentation of Industrial Point Cloud Data.- Fitness landscape ruggedness impact on PSO in dealing with three variants of the travelling salesman problem.- A Multi-UAVs' Provider Model for the provision of 5G Service Chains: a game theoretic approach.- Metabolic Syndrome Risk Forecasting on Elderly with ML Techniques.- Airport Digital Twins for Resilient Disaster Management Response.- Strategies for Surviving Aggressive Multiparty Repeated Standoffs.- A Hybridization of GRASP and UTASTAR for Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickups and Deliveries and 3D Loading Constraints.- Packing hypertrees and the k-cut problem in Hypergraphs.- Maximizing the Eigenvalue-Gap and Promoting Sparsity ofDoubly Stochastic Matrices with PSO.- Value of Information in the Mean-Square Case and its Application to the Analysis of Financial Time-Series Forecast.
artificial intelligence;computer networks;computer systems;graph theory;computer hardware;correlation analysis;data mining;education;engineering;internet;learning;machine learning;mathematics;network protocols;optimization;optimization problems;probability;signal processing;software engineering;clustering algorithms