John Dewey

John Dewey

A Reader for Teachers and Education Students

Granger, David A.

State University of New York Press





15 a 20 dias

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Glossary of Deweyan Terms

Introduction: John Dewey: The Education of a Lifelong Learner

I. The Nature of Learning

1. What Psychology Can Do for the Teacher (1895)
2. Education, Direct and Indirect (1904)
3. From How We Think (1933)
What Is Thinking?
Analysis of Reflective Thinking

II. The Nature of Method

4. Method in Science Teaching (1916)

5. The Classroom Teacher (1923)

6. From Experience and Education (1938)
The Need of a Theory of Experience
Criteria of Experience

III. The Nature of Subject-Matter-and Curriculum

7. The Child and the Curriculum (1902)

8. From Democracy and Education (1916)
The Nature of Subject Matter

9. From The Way Out of Educational Confusion (1931)

IV. Theory and Practice in Education

10. The Relation of Theory to Practice in Education (1904)

11. From The Sources of a Science of Education, Part 1 (1929)
Part I: Education as a Science
Education as an Art

12. The Need for a Philosophy of Education (1934)

V. The Individual and Society in Democratic Education

13. Individuality in Education (1922)

14. Education and Social Change (1937)

15 Democracy and Education in the World of Today (1938)

VI. Morals, Ethics, and the Education of Habit

16. From Moral Principles in Education (1909)
The Moral Training Given by the School Community
The Moral Training from Methods of Instruction
The Social Nature of the Course of Study

17. From Human Nature and Conduct (1922)
Part One: The Place of Habit in Conduct
Part Two: The Place of Impulse in Conduct
Part Three: The Place of Intelligence in Conduct

VII. The Arts and Aesthetic Education

18. Individuality and Experience (1926)

19. Experience, Nature, and Art (1925)

20. From Art as Experience (1934)
Art and Civilization

VIII. Vocational Education and Policy
21. Some Dangers in the Present Movement for Industrial Education (1913)

22. Learning to Earn: The Place of Vocational Education in a Comprehensive Scheme of Public Education (1917)

IX. The Profession of Teaching

23. My Pedagogic Creed (1897)
Article One. What Education Is
Article Two. What the School Is
Article Three. The Subject-Matter of Education
Article Four. The Nature of Method
Article Five. The School and Social Progress

24. Toward a National System of Education (1935)

25. Those Who Aspire to the Profession of Teaching (1938)

Reader Bibliography
Selective Annotated Bibliography
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