Interconnecting the Violences of Men

Interconnecting the Violences of Men

Continuities and Intersections in Research, Policy and Activism

Hearn, Jeff; Seymour, Kate; Strid, Sofia; Pease, Bob

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Interconnecting the violences of men: Continuities and intersections in research, policy and activism

2. What's in a name? Theorizing the inter-relationships of gender and violence

3. (De)Culturalizing the problem of men's violences: The case of online debates on violence committed by migrant men

4. Men's violences in relation to children and young people

5. Violences in children's and young people's lives: Continuities and contradictions in counteracting the violence

6. Violence against gay/homosexual men and trans women as 'failed men'

7. Men's anti-queer violence: The enduring impact of colonial era sex and gender binaries

8. Dilemmas, pained frustration, and new possibilities: Masculinities, violences, and disabilities

9. Reframing the narrative: The processes and outcomes of men's victimisation in human trafficking

10. Rethinking the gendering of agency in male suicide: More-than-human connections in violence against the self

11. Gendered entanglements of men's violence against the self and violence against women

12. The violences of settler colonialism and the maintenance of the heteropatriarchal social order

13. Men, war, and logics of practicality: The interlinkage between gender constructions and individual violence

14. Environmental violence and men's violence: What are the connections?

15. Men, masculinities and violence against non-human animals: Towards an intersectional approach

16. Epistemic violence: An analytic tool for theorising interconnection of violences

17. Interconnecting violences for research, policy and activism: Concluding reflections
men;masculinity;violence;VAWG;violence against women;domestic violence;intimate partner violence;gender;suicide;human trafficking;settler colonialism;state violence;war;environmental violence