Instant Insights: Optimising Quality Attributes in Horticultural Products

Instant Insights: Optimising Quality Attributes in Horticultural Products

Sauvage, C.; Causse, Dr M.; Albert, E.; Mah, Dr Eunice; Barbey, Dr Chris; Folta, Prof Kevin; Chen, Dr Oliver; Greene, Dr Duane; Wang, Zhenglin; Walsh, Prof Kerry

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited





15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Developing tomato varieties with improved flavour: M. Causse, E. Albert and C. Sauvage, INRA, France;

1 Introduction
2 Genetic diversity of tomato flavour and consumer expectations
3 Genes and quantitative trait loci affecting flavour
4 Tomato texture
5 New approaches to tomato flavour diversity and genetic control
6 From MAS to genomic selection for flavour breeding
7 Interactions genotype by environment: a tool for breeding good tomatoes
8 Future trends
9 Conclusion
10 Where to look for further information
11 References

Chapter 2 - Advances and challenges in strawberry genetic improvement: Chris Barbey and Kevin Folta, University of Florida, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Threats and solutions to sustainable production
3 Post-harvest quality
4 Next steps in genetics
5 High-throughput phenotyping
6 Future trends in research
7 Where to look for further information
8 References

Chapter 3 - Monitoring fruit quality and quantity in mangoes: Kerry Walsh and Zhenglin Wang, Central Queensland University, Australia;

1 Introduction
2 Monitoring harvest maturity: making the decision to pick
3 Monitoring quantity
4 Monitoring ripeness
5 Decision support systems
6 Future trends and conclusion
7 Where to look for further information
8 Acknowledgements
9 References

Chapter 4 - Advances in understanding and improving the nutraceutical properties of cranberries: Oliver Chen, Biofortis Research, Merieux NutriSciences and Tufts University, USA; and Eunice Mah, Biofortis Research, Merieux NutriSciences, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Nutrient composition
3 Health benefits
4 Future directions
5 Conclusion
6 Where to look for further information
7 References

Chapter 5 - Optimizing plant growth, yield and fruit quality with plant bioregulators: Duane Greene, University of Massachusetts, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Classification of PBRs
3 Application of PBRs
4 Development and maintenance of tree structure
5 Control of vegetative growth
6 Crop load management
7 Influencing flowering and fruit set
8 Pre-harvest application of plant bioregulators
9 Improving fruit appearance and shape
10 References
Quantitative Trait Loci;Tomato flavour;Tomato genetics;Tomato genome;Tomato sensory characteristics;Tomato texture;strawberry;genetic improvement;Fragaria;ananassa;plant phenotyping;plant genotyping;Decision support systems;Fruit maturation;Fruit ripeness;Mango fruit maturity;Mango harvesting;bacteria;cardiometabolic diseases;fiber;infection;microbiome;polyphenols;proanthocyanidins;plant growth;plant yield;fruit quality;plant bioregulators;plant hormones;growth regulators