Instant Insights: Intercropping

Instant Insights: Intercropping

Naudin, C.; Fakai, Shu; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.; Justes, Dr Eric; Temesgen, Mr Abeya; Bedoussac, Dr Laurent; Jensen, E. S.; Journet, E-P.; Rodriguez, Dr Daniel; Corre Hellou, G.

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

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Grain legume-cereal intercropping systems: L. Bedoussac, ENSFEA, INRA AGIR, France; E-P. Journet, CNRS LIPM, INRA AGIR, France; H. Hauggaard-Nielsen, Roskilde University, Denmark; C. Naudin and G. Corre Hellou, Ecole Superieure d'Agricultures, France; E. S. Jensen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; and E. Justes, INRA AGIR, France;

1 Introduction
2 Effects on yields and quality
3 Agronomical performance of intercropping
4 Cultivation practices in intercropping
5 Future trends and conclusion
6 References

Intercropping in sustainable maize cultivation: Abeya Temesgen, Shu Fukai and Daniel Rodriguez, The University of Queensland, Australia;

1 Introduction
2 Intercropping under different conditions: moisture and nitrogen levels
3 Resource capture and use effi ciency in maize-based intercropping: water, nitrogen and light
4 Competition and complementary interactions in maize - legumes intercropping
5 Maize - legume intercropping evaluation
6 Conclusions
7 Where to look for further information
8 References

Effects of crop rotations and intercropping on soil health: Gilbert C. Sigua, USDA-ARS, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Defining soil health
3 Indicators of soil health
4 The roles of soil organic matter in soil health
5 Managing soil health: crop rotation
6 Managing soil health: intercropping
7 Nitrogen fixation and transfer in crop rotation and intercropping
8 Summary and future trends
9 Where to look for further information
10 References

Temperate alley cropping systems: Diomy S. Zamora, University of Minnesota, USA; Samuel C. Allen, New Mexico State University, USA; Kent G. Apostol, Independent Researcher and Editor, USA; Shibu Jose, University of Missouri, USA; and Gary Wyatt, University of Minnesota, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Potential of alley cropping
3 Design considerations
4 Functions/benefits of alley cropping
5 Competition for growth resources
6 Evaluating system performance: the case of the pecan-cotton alley cropping system
7 Future trends and conclusion
8 Where to look for further information
9 References
Agronomy;Cereal cultivation;Grain legume cultivation;Grain legume yields;adoption;resource capture;use efficiency;sole cropping;systems productivity;soil health;sustainability;crop rotations;soil organic matter;alley cropping;tree crops;pecan-cotton