Ideals and Ideologies

Ideals and Ideologies

A Reader

Kirkpatrick, Jennet; Dagger, Richard; O'Neill, Daniel I.; Ball, Terence

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Preface to the Twelfth Edition


Part 1: The Concept of Ideology

1.1 Terrell Carver-Ideology: The Career of a Concept

Part 2: The Democratic Ideal: Historical and Philosophical Foundations

2.2 Euripides-Democracy and Despotism

2.3 Pericles-Funeral Oration

2.4 Aristotle-Democratic Judgment and the "Middling" Constitution

2.5 Niccolo Machiavelli-What's Wrong with Princely Rule?

2.6 John Adams-What Is a Republic?

2.7 Bill of Rights of the United States

2.8 Alexis de Tocqueville-Democracy and Equality

2.9 John Stuart Mill-Democratic Participation and Political Education

2.10 Alexander Keyssar---Voter Suppression, Then and Now

2.11 Andrew Sullivan-Democracies End When They Become Too Democratic

2.12 Timothy Egan-The Dumbed Down Democracy

Part 3: Liberalism

3.13 Thomas Hobbes-The State of Nature and the Basis of Obligation

3.14 John Locke-Toleration and Government

3.15 Thomas Paine-Government, Rights, and the Freedom of Generations

3.16 Declaration of Independence of the United States

3.17 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens

3.18 Adam Smith-Private Profit, Public Good

3.19 Immanuel Kant-Freedom and Enlightenment

3.20 John Stuart Mill-Liberty and Individuality

3.21 William Graham Sumner-According to the Fitness of Things

3.22 T. H. Green-Liberalism and Positive Freedom

3.23 Franklin D. Roosevelt-Commonwealth Club Address (1932)

3.24 Lyndon B. Johnson-"To Fulfill These Rights": Speech at Howard University

3.25 Paul Krugman-The Conscience of a Liberal

3.26 Donald Allen-Paternalism vs. Democracy: A Libertarian View

3.27 Murray Rothbard-Libertarian Anarchism

3.28 Terence Ball-A Libertarian Utopia

Part 4: Conservatism

4.29 Edmund Burke-Society, Reverence, and the "True Natural Aristocracy"

4.30 Joseph de Maistre-Conservatism as Reaction

4.31 Michael Oakeshott-On Being Conservative

4.32 Russell Kirk-Ten Conservative Principles

4.33 Ronald Reagan-Modern American Conservatism

4.34 Irving Kristol-The Neoconservative Persuasion

4.35 Max Boot and David Brooks---Conservatives Assess Trump

Part 5: Socialism and Communism: From More to Marx

5.36 Thomas More-Utopia

5.37 Robert Owen-Address to the Inhabitants of New Lanark

5.38 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels-The Communist Manifesto

5.39 Karl Marx-On the Materialist Conception of History

Part 6: Socialism and Communism After Marx

6.40 Eduard Bernstein-Evolutionary Socialism

6.41 V. I. Lenin-Revisionism, Imperialism, and Revolution

6.42 Leon Trotsky-The Permanent Revolution

6.43 Mao Zedong-On the People's Democratic Dictatorship

6.44 Mikhail Bakunin-Anarcho-Communism vs. Marxism

6.45 Emma Goldman-Anarchism: What It Really Stands For

6.46 Eugene V. Debs-Speech to the Conference for Progressive Political Action

6.47 Bernie Sanders-On Democratic Socialism in the United States

Part 7: Fascism

7.48 Joseph-Arthur de Gobineau-Civilization and Race

7.49 Benito Mussolini-The Doctrine of Fascism

7.50 Alfredo Rocco-The Political Theory of Fascism

7.51 Adolf Hitler-Nation and Race

7.52 Robert Kagan-This is How Fascism Comes to America

Part 8: Liberation Ideologies and the Politics of Identity

8.53 Frederick Douglass-What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?

8.54 Cornel West-Race Matters

8.55 Erik Loomis---A New Chapter in the Black Liberation Movement

8.56 Black Lives Matter---A Vision for Black Lives: Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice

8.57 Mary Wollstonecraft-A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

8.58 Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

8.59 Marilyn Frye-Oppression

8.60 bell hooks-Feminism Is for Everybody

8.61 Josephine Livingstone-The Task Ahead for Feminism

8.62 John Corvino-Homosexuality: The Nature and Harm Arguments

8.63 Vine Deloria, Jr.-On Liberation

8.64 Gustavo Gutierrez-Liberation Theology

8.65 Peter Singer-All Animals Are Equal

Part 9: "Green" Politics: Ecology as Ideology

9.66 Leslie Paul Thiele-Sustainability in the Age of Ecology

9.67 Wendell Berry-Getting Along with Nature

9.68 Val Plumwood-Feminism and the Mastery of Nature

9.69 James H. Cone-Whose Earth Is It, Anyway?

9.70 Pope Francis-Laudato Si': On Care for our Common Home

Part 10: Radical Islamism

10.71 Sayyid Qutb-Signposts Along the Road

10.72 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini-The Necessity for Islamic Government

10.73 Osama Bin Laden and Others-Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

10.74 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS)-Declaration of a Caliphate
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joseph;maistre;john;stuart;mill;michael;oakeshott;people's;democratic;dictatorship;civil rights movement;women's liberation movement;political ideology;American democracy