Homes in High Flats

Homes in High Flats

Some of the Human Problems Involved in Multi-Storey Housing

Jephcott, Pearl

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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New Foreword to the Reissue John Goodwin. Foreword. Acknowledgements. Subject and Setting. Illustrations. Tables. 1. The Background of the Study 2. Housing Problems and High Flats in Glasgow 3. Method of the Study 4. General Information about the Housing Studied 5. Physical Character of the Flats: Tenants' Views 6. Physical Character of the Estates: Tenants' Views 7. The Services and Facilities at Three Estates 8. The Older Tenants 9. Families with Children 10. Other Types of Household 11. High Flats and Social Contacts 12. The Case for Investment in Staff 13. Conclusions. Appendices.
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high-rise flats;mass housing;community life;multi-storey flats;High Flats;tenants' associations;Multi-storey Housing;high-density housing;Red Road;housing estates;Balcony;Young Man;high-rise living;Caretakers;Housing Management Department;Multi-storey Block;Follow;Glasgow Tenants;Held;Postwar;Low Rise Houses;Low Rise Dwellings;Above Ground;London Council Of Social Service;High Density Housing;Town Hall;Census;Glasgow Council;Inclined;Main Sample;Half Mile Radius;Multi-storey Building