Holy Beauty

Holy Beauty

Prolegomena to an Orthodox Philokalic Aesthetics

Stamoulis, Chrysostomos

James Clarke & Co Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Translator's Introduction
Author's Preface

Part I. Philokalia or Aesthetics? The 'Dilemma' of Contemporary Orthodoxy
1. Kostas Zouraris: 'What We Call "Philokalia" Is Not the Same as Western Good Taste'
2. Father Alexander Schmemann: 'One Cannot Banish the Senses'
3. Nikos Matsoukas: 'Aesthetics Is a Lasting Victory over Distraction and Fragmentation'

Part II. Orthodoxy's Philokalic Aesthetics: The 'Both Together' of Patristic Teaching
4. 'Supra-Substantial Good': Dionysius the Areopagite and the Church Fathers on the Holy Trinity
5. 'Where Has Your Beauty Gone?': Anthropological Notes on the Beauty Lost by the Fall
6. 'The Heavens Tell of the Glory of God': The Orthodox Doctrine of Creation and the Problem of the Environment

Part III. 'Unutterable Beauty': Examples of a Philokalic Reading of Ecclesial Life
7. Nikos Gabriel Pentzikis: A Walk 'by the Seashore' and the Boundaries of the Church
8. The Elder Sophrony of Essex: The Remembrance of Death and the 'Conflict' with a Passion for Painting
9. The Elder Porphyrios, the Nightingale and the Current Debate on Aesthetics: Parallel Readings of the Elder's Discourses and Theodor W. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory

Afterword: Saints and Poets Perhaps .

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