Heterotopic World Fiction

Heterotopic World Fiction

Thinking Beyond Biopolitics with Woolf, Foucault, Ondaatje

Higgins, Lesley; Leps, Marie-Christine

Academic Studies Press






15 a 20 dias

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List of Figures

Introduction: Heterotopic World Fiction

Part One. Biopolitics: Technologies of the Individual
Correlating Knowledge and Power Relations: The Birth of Biopolitics
Discipline and Punish: Discerning the Dangerous
Mrs. Dalloway: A Dangerous Day
In the Skin of a Lion: Dangerous Yearnings

Part Two. Biopoetics: Technologies of the Worldly Self
From Biopolitics to Biopoetics


Parrhesia: Dangerous Truth Telling
Bios/Logos: Living Truth
Askesis: The Art of Elaborating the Self as a Practice of Freedom
Experience-Books: Altering Truths

Heterotopic Methods

Method 1-Disposing/Transposing the Archive: Criminal Vanishing Acts
Moi, Pierre Riviere, ayant egorge ma mere, ma soeur, et mon frere . . .
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid: Left Handed Poems
Flush: A Biography

Method 2-Distracting/Transacting Genealogy: Reading for One's Life
Between the Acts
The English Patient
The History of Sexuality, vol. 1

Method 3-Dislocating/Transiting Strategics: Reading Biopoetic Assemblages
Foucault 1: The History of Sexuality, vols. 2, 3, 4
Foucault 2: Answering Questions
Woolf 1: ". . . very little persuaded of the truth of anything"
Woolf 2: Orlando
Woolf 3: The Waves
Ondaatje 1:"[W]e can't rely on only one voice"
Ondaatje 2: Warlight
Ondaatje 3: Running in the Family
Ondaatje 4: The Cat's Table

Selected Bibliography
Ondaatje; Biopoetics; Heterotopia; Foucault; Woolf; Governmentality; Feminism; World Literature; Biopolitics; Cultural studies