Harvest of Fish and Wildlife

Harvest of Fish and Wildlife

New Paradigms for Sustainable Management

Pope, Kevin L.; Powell, Larkin A.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Section 1: Setting Regulations

Section 1A: Harvest Management Paradigms

1. Some Perspectives on the Development of a Paradigm for Modern Harvest Management

2. The Social and Political Context of Harvest Management

3. Linking Social and Ecological Components to Spatial and Temporal Components of Harvest

4. Hunter and Angler Behavior in Harvest Management

5. Expanding Participation in Recreational Fishing Through Multiple License Markets

6. Marketing and Ecological Models to Predict Permit-Purchasing Behavior of Sportspersons

Section 1B: Harvest Management Decision Processes

7. A Decision-Analytical Framework for Developing Harvest Regulations

8. Engaging Hunters in Selecting Duck Season Dates Using Decision Science: Problem Framing, Objective Setting, Devising Management Alternatives

9. Using Structured Decision Making to Incorporate Ecological and Social Values into Harvest Decisions: Case Studies of White-Tailed Deer and Walleye

10. Structured Decision Making Provides Insight When Selecting Population-Monitoring Programs

11. Making Harvest Management Decisions Robust to Uncertainty

Section 2: Harvest Outcomes

Section 2A: Evolutionary and Population Dynamics for Harvested Species

12. How Regulations Can Affect the Evolutionary Impacts of Recreational Harvests on Fish and Mammals

13. Harvest Regulations in Evolving Fisheries

14. Individual Heterogeneity in Annual Survival: Quantifying the "Doomed Surplus"

Section 2B: Efficacies of Harvest Regulations

15. Direct and Indirect Effects of Harvest Regulations on Wildlife Populations

16. What to Exploit When You're Exploiting: Angling Rates and Size Selection Responses to Changing Bag Limits

17. Shifting Angler Harvest Behaviors: A Case Study Using Largemouth Bass

18. Harvest as A Tool to Manage Populations of Undesirable Or Overabundant Fish and Wildlife

19. The Efficacy of Antler Harvest Regulations in Meeting Management Objectives

Section 3: Management Alternatives

Section 3A: Harvest Regulation Paradigms for Wildlife and Fisheries

20. Harvest Management of Migratory Game Birds

21. Upland Game Bird Harvest Management

22. The Future of Managing Ungulate Species: White-Tailed Deer as A Case Study

23. Harvest Management of Furbearers

24. Harvest Regulations for Inland Recreational Fisheries
Daily Bag Limits;Harvest Management;Wildlife populations;Upland Game Bird;Fishery sciences;Antlerless Deer;Social-ecological system;Harvest Control Rules;Harvest Regulations;Hunter Satisfaction;Bag Limit;Yellow Perch;Wildlife Agencies;Anglers Harvested;State Wildlife Agencies;Waterfowl Hunters;Migratory Bird Treaty Act;Migratory Game Bird;Wood Duck;Colinus Virginianus;Harvest Rates;Walleye Population;Deer Population Control;Creel Survey;Simple Multi-attribute Rating Technique;Upland Bird;White Tailed Deer;Ring Necked Pheasant