Handel's Messiah

Handel's Messiah

The Creative Process

Babington, Amanda

Jenny Stanford Publishing





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1. The Libretto

2. Sketches

3. Pre-existent Material

4. The Autograph: Method and Construction

5. Autograph Alterations

6. Later Revisions

7. General Conclusion

Appendix A: Libretto Sources

Appendix A: Sketches pertaining to Messiah

Appendix C/1: For unto us/No, di voi non vo' fidarmi

Appendix C/2: All we, like sheep/So per prova

Appendix C/3: His yoke is easy/Quel fior che all'alba ride

Appendix C/4: And He shall purify/L'occaso ha nell'aurora

Appendix D: Rejoice Appendix E: Alternative Movement Settings Bibliography
Composition;Orchestration;Baroque Music