Ground Improvement Techniques

Ground Improvement Techniques

Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021 Volume 3

Muthukkumaran, Kasinathan; Jeyapriya, S. P.; Moghal, Arif Ali Baig; Sathiyamoorthy, Rajesh

Springer Verlag, Singapore






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Enhancement of Soil Properties by using Red Mud and Lime.- Chapter 2. Ground Improvement for Open Foundation on Soft Clays using stone columns and PVD Drains for Retaining Walls and Approaches of a Cable Stayed ROB.- Chapter 3. State of the art on the extent of smear zone and variation of permeability during the installation of drain in clayey soil.- Chapter 4. State of the Art Review on Improvement of Strength Characteristics of Soil using Nano Silica.- Chapter 5. Influence of Aquaculture Sludge on Volume Change Behaviour of Expansive Clays.- Chapter 6. Densification of Fly ash deposits equipped with Rammed Stone Column - A Case Study.- Chapter 7. Application of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) for Improvement of Soft Clays - A Case Study.- Chapter 8. Performance Evaluation of Earthen Embankment underlain by Marine clay Deposit with ground improvement techniques-A case study of Mangaluru Region, Karnataka.- Chapter 9. An Experimental Study on Development of the Bearing Capacity of Soft Clay Soil Using Stone Column with Bamboo Sheet Plate.- Chapter 10. Evaluation of Heave Behaviour by Numerical Modelling of Granular Pile Anchor in Expansive Soil.- Chapter 11. A Study of Load Distribution between Soil and Stone Columns.- Chapter 12. An Experimental Study to Determine the Best Aggregate Mix for Stone Columns.- Chapter 13. Static and Dynamic Study on the Performance of Modified Stone-Column in Ahmedabad Soil.- Chapter 14. Modeling On Fiber-Reinforced Modeling of Subgrade Strength on Fiber-Reinforced Alkaline Binder Mixed Expansive Soil.- Chapter 15. Behavior of Jute Fibre-Reinforced Sand Using Direct Shear Test for Ground Engineering Application.- Chapter 16. Numerical Studies on Effects of Embankment Layer Construction Period on Consolidation Settlements of Underlain Soft Soil.- Chapter 17. Improvement of Soft Ground by Employing Granular Piles below Raft.- Chapter 18. Multivariate Regression Model to Predict Geotechnical Properties of Fly Ash StabilisedClayey Soil.- Chapter 19. A Study on the Strength Aspects of Alkali Activated Red Mud-Crusher Dust blended Geo-polymer.- Chapter 20. A State-Of-The-Art Review on Electro-Osmotic Treatment for Stabilization of Soft Soils.- Chapter 21. Study on Time- Viscosity Characteristics of Microfine Slag Grout with Hydrated Lime Activator.- Chapter 22. Influence Of Intensity And Position Of Surcharge On The Performance Of Soil Nail System.- Chapter 23. Effect of Biopolymer Inclusion and Curing Conditions on the Failure Strain and Elastic Modulus of Cohesive Soil.- Chapter 24. Producing Biochar from Crop Residues for Safe and Environment-friendly Waste Management and Using as an Innovative Material for Soil and Ground Improvement.- Chapter 25. A review on comparative study of stabilization of black cotton soil by different chemical stabilizers.- Chapter 26. Stabilization of Subgrade Soil Using Shredded Waste Plastic Bags.- Chapter 27. Mitigation of Liquefaction in Silty Soil using Vibro Stone Columns with Surcharge.- Chapter 28. Studies on consolidation characteristics of marine clay using geodrain.- Chapter 29. Mechanical Behaviour of Silty Soil Reinforced with Carbon Fibers.- Chapter 30. Evaluation on the Shear Strength Characteristics of Soil Reinforced with Randomly Distributed Areca Fibers.- Chapter 31. Design of Foundation on Erratic Landfill with Ground Improvement Techniques - A Case Study.- Chapter 32. Improvement of Soil Subgrade with Shredded Rubber Tyre Waste.-Chapter 33. Use of Nylon Fibers in Improving the Strength of Weak Laterite Soil Blended with Metakaolin and POFA.- Chapter 34. Amelioration of Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated With Calcium Chloride and Terrasil.- Chapter 35. Effect of Sawdust and Sawdust Ash on Expansive Soil.- Chapter 36. Improvisation in the swelling behavior of expansive soil using industrial waste.- Chapter 37. Influence of Radial Coefficient of Consolidation on Ground Improvement in Soft Clay with Vertical Drains.
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Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Investigation;Earth Retaining Structures, Dams and Embankments;Slope Stability and Landslides;Geosynthetics Application;IGC21