God's Exiles and English Verse

God's Exiles and English Verse

On The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry

Niles, John D.

University of Exeter Press






15 a 20 dias


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Part One: Reading the Anthology in its Historical Context

Monastic Poetics Scribes, Authors, Compilers, and Readers

Exeter, Glastonbury, and the Benedictine Reform

Part Two: Reading the Anthology as a Codicological Whole

An Overview of the Book's Contents

Principles of order

The book's opening parts, Advent Lyrics to Juliana

Voices of wisdom: The Wanderer and related poems

The voice of the sage: A Father's Precepts and related poems

Voices from the Germanic past: Widsith and related poems

Diversity within unity: the role of simulated speech

The book's closing parts, The Panther to the end

Teaching the Tools of the Poet's Trade

The Enigmas - a Special Problem? Poetry and Worldview Keywords

Intratextual Hermeneutics

Summary and Conclusions

Appendix 1: A translation of The Wanderer

Appendix 2: Folio-by-folio contents of the Exeter Anthology

Appendix 3: Latin genre terms and the poems of the Exeter Anthology
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medieval verse; Exeter codex; Anglo-Saxon literature; The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry; The Exeter Book; English verse