God in Public

God in Public

How the Bible Speaks Truth to Power Today

Wright, N. T.







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Preface ix

1 Paul and the Bible in tomorrow's world 1
2 The Bible and the postmodern world 13
The Bible within the postmodern world 21
The postmodern world 24
3 Pilate, Caesar and Bible truth 39
Jesus and Pilate in John 18---19: introduction 39
Contemporary world: introduction 44
Jesus, Pilate and the kingdom of God 51
4 God, the earthly powers and terror 58
Speaking of God, speaking of the world 65
God, the powers and the war 70
5 Power, faith and the law 76
Signs of the times 76
Analysis: history and postmodernity 80
Secularism and fundamentalism 84
deconstructing modernity 86
Proposal: God, kingdom and hope 86
Conclusion: public God, public agenda 93
6 God, power and human flourishing 97
God and the gods 97
God and power in tomorrow's world 99
Christ and power 102
God and mammon 107
God and human flourishing 109
7 God's powerful foolishness in a world of foolish power 112
Folly and wisdom, weakness and power: the gospel in Corinth 113
Power and folly in today's world 119
Jesus and power: the different way 125
Conclusion 131
8 Christian virtue in peace and war 133
Virtue and its embodiment 133
Courage among the virtues 140
Courage in peace and war 144
Conclusion 148
9 Christian faith in public life 150
The secularist thesis 151
The older story revived? 153
The kingdom of God and the kingdoms of the world 155
10 Jesus and the kingdom of God, then and now 168

Acknowledgments 181
Index of Scripture and ancient sources 183
Index of names and subjects 185
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Theology;god in public;biblical;context;lectures;tom wright;nt wright;n.t. wright;n.t. wright lectures;scholarship;political scholarship;political;politics;contemporary public;message of jesus;jesus in politics;jesus in public;response to 9/11;response to 911;public problems;world problems;today's problems;society;culture;jesus;life;teaching;Christianity and power;authority;church authority;authority of the church;responsibility;moral;voiceless;powerless;exegesis;scripture;understand scripture;fresh light;philosophy;philosophical;philosophical problems;ethics;ethical problems;moral problems;engage in public;Christians engage;gospel;confront;those in power;powerful;jesus and the powers;biblical scholar;scholarly work;writings of nt wright;