Global Reflections on Children's Rights and the Law

Global Reflections on Children's Rights and the Law

30 Years After the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Laufer-Ukeles, Pamela; Marrus, Ellen

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


PART I Struggles, Challenges and Successes in Implementing and Ratifying the CRC Worldwide

A. Worldwide

How to Ensure Wider Implementation of the CRC

B. European Union
The European Union and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Towards a Fully-Fledged European Union Child Rights Strategy

C. Africa
30 Years of the CRC in AfricaD.Israel
Thirty Years Later: The CRC's Influence on Israeli Law Taking Stock and Moving ForwardE. United States
Forever Owned: Children as Possessions in the CRC

Family Obligations and Socio-Economic Rights Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
PART II Children's Participation Rights & Child-Friendly Justice

My Voice Must Be Heard Too: Why Children Need a Voice in Custody Hearings

Child Friendly Justice: A Malleable Catalyst for the Promotion of Child and Human Rights

Family Group Conferences in Child Protection: A Communitarian Implementation of Children's Participation Rights

The Unheard Voices of Young Girls at Risk
PART III Children's Civil Rights: Rights to Free Speech, Health, Religious Freedom, and Privacy

Childhood, Speech and the Right to Free Speech

Upholding Children's Civil Rights as Relational Rights: The Example of Childhood Circumcision

Protection of The Child's Right to Privacy in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, The General Data Protection Regulation and the Polish Law

Children's Digital Rights: Realizing the Potential of the CRC
PART IV Children's Right to Identity

The Child's Right to Know Their Biological Origin in Comparative European Law: Consequences for Parentage Law

Quebec's (out)law Concerning Medically Assisted Procreation: A Plea for Access to Origins
PART V Protecting Children at Risk

Suffering at the Hands of Caregivers: The Mandatory Duty of Caregivers to Report Child Abuse and Neglect from a South African Perspective

The Journey from Ignorance to Acknowlegement of Child Sexual Abuse in India

Dutch Strategies for Combating Child Poverty: A Child Rights-based Approach
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Convention on the Rights of the Child;CRC;Children's Rights;Human Rights Law;Family Law;CEDAW;European Court of Human Rights;CRC Committee;Indian NGO;GDPR.;UN;Court Evaluator;Assisted Human Reproduction Act;Violates;Child Friendly Justice;Children's Rights;Children's Participation Rights;CRC's Provision;Private Social Welfare Institutions;Combating Child Poverty;Intercountry Adoption;Tamil Nadu;CRC Principle;CRC's Article;Children's Civil Rights;Child's Welfare;Assisted Procreation;Guardian Ad Litem;Gender Based Violence;CEDAW Committee;Communitarian Paradigm