Forests and People

Forests and People

Property, Governance, and Human Rights

Stahl, Johannes; Sikor, Thomas

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Introduction: The Rights-Based Agenda in International Forestry Part 1: Global Perspectives 2. The Global Forest Tenure Transition: Background, Substance, and Prospects 3. Indigenous Peoples' Rights and the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System 4. Human Rights-Based Approaches to Conservation Promise, Progress... and Pitfalls? Part 2: What Claims Find Support? 5. Affirmative Policy on an Uneven Playing Field: Implications for REDD 6. Advancing Human Rights Through Community Forestry in Nepal 7. Forest Devolution and Social Differentiation in Vietnam Part 3: Whose Claims Are Considered to Constitute Rights? 8. The Challenges of Developing a Rights-based Approach to Conservation in Indonesia 9. Rights Evolution and Contemporary Forest Activism in the New Forest, England 10. Advocating for Traditional Native American Gathering Rights on US Forest Service Lands Part 4: What Authorities Recognize Forest People's Rights? 11. Who Represents the Collective? Authority and the Recognition of Forest Rights 12. Tenure Rights, Environmental Interests, and the Politics of Local Government in Romania Part 5: What Political Strategies Serve Rights Recognition by the State? 13. Women's Action and Democratic Spaces Across Scales in India 14. Building Coalitions Across Sectors and Scales in Cambodia 15. Forest Based Social Movements in Latin America 16. A Way forward: Forest Rights in Times of REDD+. Index
rights;peoples;indigenous;community;forestry;management;tenure;human;Economic Land Concessions;resources;Mirador Basin;Forest People's Rights;Global Forest Estate;Forest Devolution;Forest People;Special Forest Products;Forest Rights;Community Forestry;Forest Service Lands;Forest Tenure;Civil Society;Enhanced Carbon Stocks;Resource Management Devolution;Inter-American Human Rights System;Forest Tenure Reform;USFS;Forest Service;NTFP;Redd Project;Human Rights;Forest Governance;CFUG Member;Forest Decision Making;Rubber Tappers