Finding God in All the Black Places

Finding God in All the Black Places

Sacred Imaginings in Black Popular Culture

Smith-Shomade, Beretta E.

Rutgers University Press





15 a 20 dias

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CALL TO WORSHIP: God Is...Understanding Spirituality as the Sine Qua Non of Black Popular Culture
INVOCATION: God Is Trying to Tell You Something: Calling Up the Mediated Black Past
PROCESSIONAL: Jesus and Hennessy Go Good Together: Sacralizing the Secular
PRAYER OF CONFESSION: As for Me and My House...Spike Lee's Negotiation with Christianity as a Sign of Blackness
TESTIMONY: I Got a Testimony: Sistah Blackacademics and God
PRAISE BREAK: Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance All Night! Mediated Audiences and Black Women's Spirituality
TITHES & OFFERING: I'mma Be Stupid Rich!: Millennials and the Holy Grail of Tech Salvation
PASSING OF THE PEACE: Don't Play with God! Black Church, Fun and Possibilities
SELECTION: Never Losing Its Power: (Re)Visioning the Roots and Routes of Black Spirituality
MESSAGE: Urgent Like a Mofo: The Sublime Synergy of Sexuality in Black Music Culture
THE INVITATION: I Shall Wear a Crown: Black Oprah the Savificent
BENEDICTION: But God (reflection)
religion; black; media; african american; africana studies; pop culture; black pop culture; Mary J. Blige; D'Angelo; Erykah Badu; Prince; Spike Lee; Oprah Winfrey; black music; african american music; television; faith; spirituality; christian; Christianity