Eva and Eve

Eva and Eve

A Search for My Mother's Lost Childhood and What a War Left Behind

Metz, Julie

Simon & Schuster






15 a 20 dias


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I Want You to Know We're Still Here; Esther Safran Foer; Perfection Memoir; Barnes & Noble Pick; Dani Shapiro; Devotion; Daniel Mendolsohn; The Lost; Hisham Matar; The Return; The Hare with Amber Eyes; Edmund de Waal; holocaust; vienna; mother daughter; family secrets; mother daughter relationship; mother daughter memoir; Jewish history; Jewish literature; Jewish memoirs; Holocaust Remberance Day; Nazi Vienna; New Yorkers; immigrant issues; immigrant experience; The Chronology of Water; Lidia Yuknavitch; Belonging; Nora Krug; Glitter and Glue; Kelly Corrigan; The Moment essays; Larry Smith; The House That Made Me; Grant Jarrett