Equitable and Inclusive Care in Pediatrics

Equitable and Inclusive Care in Pediatrics

A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics





15 a 20 dias

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Section 1. AAP Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Section 2. Adoption, Foster, and Kinship Care
Section 3. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
Section 4. Community Pediatrics
Section 5. Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
Section 6. Immigrant Children and Families
Section 7. Legal System
Section 8. LGBTQ+ Youth and Families
Section 9. Obesity and Overweight
Section 10. Pediatric Workforce
Section 11. Socioeconomic Factors
Section 12. Substance Use Disorders and Substance Use Prevention
Section 13. Trauma-Informed Care and the Efffects of Armed Conflict on Children
Section 14. Vulnerable and Exploited Youth
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
equitable; inclusive; inclusivity; underserved populations; vulnerable populations; immigrants; BIPOC; people of color; black; LGBTQ; substance use; trauma; legal system; racism; obesity; policy statements; AAP; American Academy of Pediatrics; Adoption, Foster, and Kinship Care; trauma-informed care