Epoque Emilienne

Epoque Emilienne

Philosophy and Science in the Age of Emilie Du Chatelet (1706-1749)

Hagengruber, Ruth Edith

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction.- ?Part 1: Du Chatelet Between Leibniz and Kant.- Chapter 1. Emilie Du Chatelet Between Leibniz and Kant. Eberhard and the Transcendental Turn (Ruth Hagengruber).- Chapter 2. The Significance of Du Chatelet's Proof of the Parallelogram of Forces (Katherine Dunlop).- Chapter 3. Du Chatelet's Contribution to the Concept of Time. History of Philosophy between Leibniz and Kant (Clara Carus).- Chapter 4. The Reception of Emilie Du Chatelet in the German Enlightenment in the Light of the Controversy over Monads (Andrea Reichenberger).- Chapter 5. Emilie du Chatelet in the Correspondence between Christian Wolff and Ernst Christoph of Manteuffel (Hanns-Peter Neumann).- Part 2:Methodical Questions: Du Chatelet Between Leibniz and Newton.- Chapter 6. Three French Newtonians and their Leibniz Background (Hartmut Hecht).- Chapter 7. Les corps agissent sur la lumiere." Emilie Du Chatelet's Deliberations on the Nature of Light in her Essai sur l'optique (Fritz Nagel).- Chapter 8. EmilieDu Chatelet's Epistemology of Hypotheses (Gianni Paganini).- Chapter 9. Emilie Du Chatelet's Institutions physiques considered as a philosophy of science based on the history of science (Dieter Suisky).- Chapter 10. Leibnizian Causes in a Newtonian World - Emilie Du Chatelet on Causation (Ansgar Lyssi).- Chapter 11. Du Chatelet on Newtonian Attraction (Marco Storni).- Part 3: Du Chatelet and Newton.- Chapter 12. Making Scientific Theories: Emilie Du Chatelet's Circle and the Newtonian "Revolution" (Robyn Arianrhod).- Chapter 13. Emilie Du Chatelet and Newton's Principia (Michel Toulmonde).- Chapter 14. Du Chatelet's Commentary on Newton's Principia: An Assessment (George Smith).- Part 4: Du Chatelet in Italy.- Chapter 15. Emilie Du Chatelet and Italy. The Italian translation of Emilie Du Chatelet's Institutions physiques in intellectual context (Sarah Hutton).- Chapter 16. Du Chatelet in Italy: Who was behind Du Chatelet's Italian Translation? (Romana Bassi).- Part 5: Du Chatelet in France.- Chapter 17. "Anonymity and Ambition": Emilie Du Chatelet's Dissertation du feu (1744) (Keiko Kawashima).- Chapter 18. "D'une marquise l'autre. Mme Du Chatelet et les Enretiens sur la pluralite des mondes de Fontenelle" (Christophe Martin).- Chapter 19. Scientia Sexualis: Voltaire, La Mettrie and Emilie Du Chatelet on Love (Gabor Boros).- Chapter 20. Emilie Du Chatelet and La Mettrie (Anne Thomson).- Chapter 21. Natural Pleasure: Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis's Contribution to a Materialist Conception of the Erotic (Waltraud Ernst).- Chapter 22. The Influence of Epicurean thought on Mme Du Chatelet's Discours sur le Bonheur (Alexsandra Gierault).- Chapter 23. Self-Deception and Illusions of Esteem: Contextualizing Chatelet's Challenge (Andreas Blank).- Chapter 24. Mme Du Chatelet, Clandestine Philosopher (Susan 24. Seguin).- Chapter 25. Mme Du Chatelet, a heterodox philosopher reads the Bible (Bertram Schwarzbach).- Part 6: Du Chatelet: Manuscript and Editing History.- Chapter 26. Les manuscrits d'Emilie Du Chatelet conserves a la Bibliotheque nationale de Russie (Natalia Speranskaja).- Chapter 27. Printing Du Chatelet's Institutions de Physique: The Variant Texts (Ronald Smelzer).- List of abbreviations.
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Kant, Transcendental Philosophy;Newton, Law of Gravitation, Physics;Leibniz, Living Forces, Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence;Diderot, D'Alembert, Encyclopedie;Radical Enlightenment;Bible Critics, Voltaire;German Rationalism, Christian Wolff;Physics;Metaphysics;Ethics;Feminism