Empathy versus Offending, Aggression and Bullying

Empathy versus Offending, Aggression and Bullying

Advancing Knowledge using the Basic Empathy Scale

Farrington, David; Jolliffe, Darrick

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword by Friedrich Loesel

1: Measuring empathy using the Basic Empathy Scale

Darrick Jolliffe and David P. Farrington

Part I. The Basic Empathy Scale and Parenting

2: The Basic Empathy Scale: Psychometric Properties and Contributions to the Understanding of Antisocial Behaviour

Miguel Basto-Pereira and David P. Farrington

3: Parents' Empathy and Child Attachment Security: A Brief Review

Evelyn Heynen, Ellin Simon, Peer van der Helm, Geert Jan Stams and Mark Assink

4: Parenting Style and Empathy in Youth: A Three-level Meta-Analysis

Evelyn Heynen, Peer van der Helm, Ellin Simon, Geert Jan Stams, and Mark Assink

Part II. Empathy and Offending

5: Contextual Correlates of Empathy

Peer van der Helm

6: Empathy, Convictions, and Self-Reported Offending of Males and Females in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development

David P. Farrington and Darrick Jolliffe

7: Empathy and Reoffending in a UK Probation Sample

Darrick Jolliffe and David P. Farrington

8: Empathy and Psychopathy: How are they Related in Men and Women?

Henriette Bergstrom, Darrick Jolliffe and David P. Farrington

9: Correlates of Affective and Cognitive Empathy Among Incarcerated Male and Female Youth Offenders

Pedro Pechorro, Darrick Jolliffe and Cristina Nunes

10: The Relationship between Empathy, Clinical Problems and Reoffending in a Sample of Canadian Male Offenders

Christopher J. Koegl

11: Enhancing Empathy Amongst Mentally Disordered Offenders with Music Therapy

Stella Compton-Dickinson and Darrick Jolliffe

Part III: Aggression and Bullying

12: Cognitive Empathy as a Moderator in the Relation Between Negative Emotionality Traits and Schoolchildren's Aggressive Behaviours

Noelia Sanchez-Perez and Carmen Gonzalez-Salinas

13: Low Cognitive Empathy and its Relationship to Relational, Online, and Physical Aggression in young adults in Australia.

Tara Renae McGee, Darrick Jolliffe, Li Eriksson, Christine E.W. Bond and David P. Farrington

14: Empathy in Polish and Spanish Children and Adolescents: Validation of the Basic Empathy Scale and its Relation to Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Other Antisocial Behaviours

Izabela Zych, David P. Farrington, Darrick Jolliffe and Estera Twardowska-Staszek

15: Risk Factors for Cyberbullying: The Mediating Role of Empathy in Adolescents in Italy in a One-year Follow-up StudyAnna Sorrentino, Anna Costanza Baldry, Darrick Jolliffe, and David P. Farrington

16: A Retrospective Examination of Bullying Victimization During High School: Exploring Narcissism Deficits and Empathy

Jeffrey A. Walsh, Jessie L. Krienert, and Samantha McAdams

17: The Relationship Between Empathy and Prison Bullying in a Sample of Croatian Prisoners

Ivana Sekol, Tihomir Vidranski and Darrick Jolliffe

Part IV: Conclusions

18: Empathy and offending, aggression and bullying: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

Darrick Jolliffe and David P. Farrington

Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Basic Empathy Scale;Aggression;Cognitive Empathy;Offending;Affective Empathy;Bullying;Lower Affective Empathy;Low Cognitive Empathy;Bes;High Affective Empathy;Higher Cognitive Empathy;Low Empathy;Cognitive Empathy Scores;Antisocial Behaviours;PCL;MDOs;CU Trait;High CU Trait;Portuguese Validation;Relational Aggression;Negative Emotionality Traits;Online Aggression;Low Self-control;G3 Male;Reactive Proactive Aggression Questionnaire;Parental Empathy;Multiscale Dissociation Inventory;MT