Emerging Human Viral Diseases, Volume II

Emerging Human Viral Diseases, Volume II

Encephalitic, Gastroenteric, and Immunodeficiency Viral Infections

Bhukya, Prudhvi Lal; Subbaiyan, Anbazhagan

Springer Verlag, Singapore





15 a 20 dias

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Module 1: Viral encephalitis: Familiar infections & emerging pathogens

Chapter 1: Nipah Virus: Through a pandemic lens.- Chapter 2: Is JEV the new emerging Encephalitis?.- Chapter 3: Conquering Chikungunya Virus: Global threats and Promising Solutions.- Chapter 4: Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV): Agent for neurological diseases and model for studying human viruses.- Chapter 5: WEST NILE VIRUS: A comprehensive overview of epidemiology and pathology.- Chapter 6: Herpes Simplex Virus: Insights into the emerging ocular viral infection.- Chapter 7: ZIKA VIRUS: The emerging arthropod borne virus.- Chapter 8: Enteroviruses associated with Acute Flaccid Paralysis.-Chapter 9: Unleashing the Truth: Understanding Rabies in Humans and Animals.- Chapter 10 Kunjin Virus: Insights into Emergence and Transmission Dynamics.- Chapter 11: Prion Diseases.-

Module 2: Emerging Gastroenteritis viral pathogens

Chapter 12: Astroviruses: Overview and emerging disease.- Chapter 13: Insights into the biology of norovirus: the so-called "perfect" human pathogen.- Chapter 14: Understanding Norovirus : Causes, Contagion & Cure.- Chapter 15: Sapovirus: A prevalent culprit for childhood gastroenteritis.- Chapter 16: The viral vortex: Navigating the rotavirus disease, epidemiology and immunization.-

Module 3: Emerging Viral hepatitis Viruses

Chapter 17: Waterborne & foodborne Viral Hepatitis: A Perspective from the developing and developed countries.- Chapter 18: Narrative review of Hepatitis A virus infection.- Chapter 19: Hepatitis B virus Infection: Current Trends in host pathogen interactions, Diagnosis & Treatment.- Chapter 20:Hepatitis C virus Infections: Current Trends in host pathogen interactions, Diagnosis & Treatment.- Chapter 21:Hepatitis E virus: An ongoing enigma.-

Module 4: Emerging Immuno deficiency and oncogenic Viruses

Chapter 22:HIV Biology: Detailed insight into virion structural organization and its pathogenesis.- Chapter 23:HUMAN CYTOMEGALOVIRUS: An insight of its pathobiology and therapeutics.- Chapter 24:Epstein-Barr Virus: emerging and re-emerging viral infectious diseases.- Chapter 25:Molecular mechanisms of Human papillomavirus-induced Cervical Carcinogenesis.- Chapter 26:Genetic insight of oncogenic potential of Human Papilloma Virus.- Chapter 27:Human Adult T-Cell Leukaemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV1).- Chapter 28:New Era of CAR T cells for Infectious Viral Diseases.
Emerging viruses;Viral encephalitis;Gastroenteritis viruses;Hepatitis Virus;Immunodeficiency Viruses