Economics of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry

Economics of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry

Supply Chain, Trade and Innovation

Bhardwaj, Ramesh

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1.Global pharmaceutical and medical device industry: Key milestones, global trading environment and key challenges
2.Evolving Product and Market Structure of the Pharmaceuticals and the Medical Device Industry
3.Trade in health products and trade interdependence
4. The innovation challenge and cross-country comparison of innovation capabilities
5. Tackling the grand challenge of productivity slowdown: New innovation strategies and the power of frontier technologies
6. Controlling neglected tropical diseases and containing the growing risks of pandemics
7. The pharmaceutical industry-environmental footprint challenge
8. Role of China and India in the emerging global supply chain: Prospects and challenges
9. Strengthening the medical sector: Concluding remarks
10. Glossary and definition of terms used
11. Appendix
Pharmaceuticals;Medical Devices;Globalization;COVID-19;Global Supply Chain;China and India;Technology Transfer;Drug Discovery;Commercialization