Designing Technical and Professional Communication

Designing Technical and Professional Communication

Strategies for the Global Community

Tham, Jason C. K.; Andrews, Deborah C.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1: Communicating in the Global Community 1. Communicating by Design 2. Communicating with Diverse Audiences in a Multimodal Environment 3. Communicating Ethically and Professionally 4. Communicating Collaboratively Part 2: Managing Projects through Design 5. Defining the Problem or Opportunity 6. Generating and Evaluating Empirical Information 7. Incorporating Sources: From Research to Communicating Part 3: Designing Content for Audiences 8. Explaining and Persuading 9. Composing Visuals 10. Composing and Structuring Text 11. Revising the Design Part 4: Applying Design to Technical and Professional Communications 12. Career-related Communications 13. Proposals and Grants 14. Business Plans 15. Brief Reports 16. Formal Reports 17. Instructions 18. Correspondence and Online Conversations 19. Presentations, Posters, and Pitches
Follow;Key Word;Design thinking;Persona;Communication;Technical communication;Dense;Professional;Wo;Ethical;Holds;Cultural;Communication Products;Legal;Inter View;Audience;Social Media;Multi-modal;Timeline;Code of ethics;Soft Ware;Collaboration;Software;Project management;Low Context Culture;Research;Online Content Management System;Modelling;Story Mapping;Graphic design;Multimodal Environment;Writing;Roundabout;Career;Final Design Review;Proposal;Quail;Business plan;Face To Face;Reports;Census;Instructions;Texas Tech University;Memos;Team's Approach;Technical Communication Class;Online