Dahomey's Royal Architecture

Dahomey's Royal Architecture

An Earthen Record of Construction, Subjugation, and Reclamation

Ellsworth Larsen, Lynne

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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List of Figures


The Palace's Plan, Fabric and Function

Chapter Outlines

Methodology and Acknowledgments

Chapter 1 - The Fish that Escaped the Net: The Establishment of Dahomey

Coding Gender: Hangbe

Interpreting and Capitalizing on the Code: Agadja


Chapter 2 - Like a Jar with Many Holes: The Palace in Pre-colonial Dahomey

Instability in the Eighteenth Century

The Contributions of Tegbesu, Kpengla, and Agonglo

Reshaping the palace and succession: Adandozan

Architecture of Power and Reception: The Palaces of Guezo and Glele


Chapter 3 - The Foot that Stumbled but did not Fall: The Palace under Colonial Rule

Fire and Restoration: Behanzin and Agoli-agbo I

Setting up Government: Victor Ballot and the Palace

Agoli-agbo's Exile and the Rise of the Chefs de Canton

The Formation of the Historic Museum of Abomey and l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire

Interpreting Dahomey through France's Civilizing Mission

The Museum in its Colonial Context

Chapter 4 - The Shark and the Egg: The Post-colonial Palace

Modernization of Materials

The Palace's Official Partnership with UNESCO

Cooperative Projects in the Museum

The Museum as a Post-colonial Entity


Chapter 5 - Nothing can Force the Buffalo to take off his Tunic: Dahomey's Palace in Contemporary Abomey

Royal Vodun

Religious Purposes of the Pre-colonial Palace: Funerary Architecture and the Grand and Annual Customs

Tohosu and Nesuwhe


The Gandaxi


Chapter 6- Conclusion


architecture;royal;construction;record;Central Palace;Ivory Coast;UNESCO Delegate;Palace Section;Crowned Prince's Palaces;Cross Bar;Colonial Administration;Chef De Canton;Earthen Walls;Bas Relief Sculptures;Author's Photo;France's Civilizing Mission;UNESCO World Heritage List;Tour Du Monde;Restaurant Courtyards;Dynastic List;Royal Architecture;Victor Ballot;French Governor;Palace Space;Private Palace;Vodun Deities;Local Architectural Forms;Palace Complex;Kingdom's Borders