Critical Insights on Colonial Modes of Seeing Cattle in India (1850-1980)

Critical Insights on Colonial Modes of Seeing Cattle in India (1850-1980)

Tracing the Pre-history of Green and White Revolutions

Upadhyaya, Himanshu

Springer Verlag, Singapore





15 a 20 dias

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1. Introduction.- 2. Revisiting 'Surplus Cattle' and 'Sacred Cattle' Discourse: Why a History of Cattle in India needs to move beyond this framing?.- 3. Famines, Cattle Diseases and Cattle Mortalities: History of Civil Veterinary Departments in India.- 4. Breeding Bovine Animals for Better Productivity: High Modernist Mission.- 5. Writing the Pre-History of Amul: Emergence of Milk Markets and Dairy Cooperatives in Late Colonial India.- 6. Discourse on Dairy Development, Scientific Instruction and Emergence of Technocracy.- 7. Chasing Productivity Dreams: Intensification in Crop and Cattle Development in Post-Colonial India.- 8. Replicating Anand Pattern Milk Cooperatives: Studying the Operation Flood.- 9. After the Operation Flood: Studying Transformations in Bovine Holding Patterns.- 10. Conclusion.- 11. Endnotes.
Agro-Pastoralism in South Asia;Cultural History of Cattle in South Asia;Social and Economic History of Cattle in South Asia;Livestock Development;History of Veterinary Medicine;Agrarian History;Milk Cooperatives;Nomadic People;Famines and Cattle Mortality;Cattle and religion in India;History of Dairy Development;Environmental humanities in Asia;Green Revolution;SDGs