Contextualizing Premodern Philosophy

Contextualizing Premodern Philosophy

Explorations of the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin Traditions

Lopez-Farjeat, Luis Xavier; Oschman, Nicholas A.; Krause, Katja

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Narrating Premodern Philosophy in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin: Origins, Developments, Innovations Katja Krause, Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat, and Nicholas A. Oschman

Part I: Traditions and Their Origins

1. Why the Prime Mover Is Not an Exclusively Final Cause: Alexander of Aphrodisias and Averroes David Twetten

2. Philoponus and Forms Owen Goldin

3. Pseudo-Ammonius' Ara? al-falasifa and Its Influence on Early Isma?ili Thought Janis Esots

4. Roger Bacon and His "Arabic" Sources in His Moralis philosophia Therese-Anne Druart

5. Averroes' Commentaries on Book 7 of Aristotle's Physics Josep Puig Montada

6. The Influence of Mansur Ibn Sarjun (John of Damascus) on Aquinas' Philosophy of Religious Worship Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo

7. Ibn Taymiyya on Ibn Rushd in the Dar? ta?aru? al-?aql wa-l-naql (with Special Attention to His Quotations of Ibn Rushd's Tahafut al-tahafut) Jules Janssens

Part II: Traditions Facing Forward

8. How Light Makes Color Visible: The Reception of Some Greco-Arabic Theories (Aristotle, Avicenna, Averroes) in Medieval Paris, 1240s-1250s Therese Scarpelli Cory

9. Anniyya faqa? Again: Reading Liber de causis 8[9] with Richard C. Taylor Cristina D'Ancona

10. Ontology and Logic in Avicenna's Concept of Truth: A Commentary on Ilahiyyat 1. 8 Olga L. Lizzini

11. Al-Farabi on What Is Known Prior to the Syllogistic Arts in His Introductory Letter, the Five Aphorisms, and the Book of Dialectic Terence J. Kleven

12. Dominicus Gundissalinus' On Unity and the One Nicola Polloni

13. Institution and Causality in Albert the Great's Sacramental Theology Isabelle Moulin

14. Averroes' Decisive Treatise (Fa?l al-maqal) and Exposition (Kashf) as Dialectical Works Peter Adamson

15. Averroes on Imagination (takhayyul) as a Cognitive Power Deborah L. Black

Part III: Forging New Traditions

16. The Emergence of a Science of Intellect: Albert the Great's De intellectu et intelligibili Henryk Anzulewicz

17. Action by Being Alone in the Plotiniana Arabica Michael Chase

18. "Incepit quasi a se": Averroes on Avicenna's Philosophy in the Long Commentary on the De anima Amos Bertolacci

19. Averroist by Contagion? Marsilius of Padua on civilis scientia Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp

20. Some Choice Words: Al-?usi's Reconceptualization of the Issue of the World's Age Jon McGinnis

21. Unfounded Assumptions: Reassessing the Differences among Averroes' Three Kinds of Aristotelian Commentaries Steven Harvey

Appendix: "Aquinas and 'the Arabs'": A Short History Richard C. Taylor and Brett Yardley.

Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat;Greek philosophy;Hebrew philosophy;Arabic philosophy;Latin philosophy;premodern philosophy;Dominicus Gundissalinus;Aquinas and the Arabs;Liber De Anima;Aristotle;Cogitative Faculty;Alexander of Aphrodisias;Abraham Ibn Daud;Averroes;Parva Naturalia;Philoponus;De Intellectu;Pseudo-Ammonius;Syllogistic Arts;Mansur Ibn Sarjun;Corpus Aristotelicum;Ibn Taymiyya;Ibn Rushd;Defensor Pacis;Roger Bacon;De Homine;Richard C. Taylor;Fons Vitae;Aristotle's De Anima;Albert the Great;Estimative Faculty;Plotiniana Arabica;Arabic Plotinus;De anima;source-based contextualism;Celestial Soul;Middle Commentary;Short Commentary;God's Essence;Agent Intellect;God's Knowledge;Hebrew Translations