Construction Economics

Construction Economics

A New Approach

Myers, Danny

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction to the Fifth Edition

Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts

Reading 1

Research Guidance: Introduction

Part A Effective Use of Resources

Chapter 2: Economic Systems for Resource Allocation

Chapter 3: The Market Mechanism

Chapter 4: The Theory of Demand

Chapter 5: The Theory of Supply

Chapter 6: Clients and Contractors

Chapter 7: Costs of the Construction Firm

Chapter 8: Types of Market Structure in the Construction Industry

Reading 2

Reading 3

Research Guidance: Literature Review

Part B Protection and Enhancement of the Environment

Chapter 9: Markets for Green Buildings and Infrastructure

Chapter 10: Market Failure and Government Intervention

Chapter 11: Environmental Economics

Reading 4

Research Guidance: Data Collection

Part C Economic Growth that Meets the Needs of Everyone

Chapter 12: Managing the Macroeconomy

Chapter 13: The Economy and Construction: Measurement and Manipulation

Chapter 14: The Business Case: Inflation and Expectations

Reading 5

Research Guidance: Critical Thinking

Chapter 15: Sustainable Construction

Reading 6

Reading 7

Reading 8

Research Guidance: Triangulation



sustainable;demand;curve;sector;management;industry;firms;output;supply;world;COP 26;Climate crisis;Carbon economy;Carbon emissions;Sustainable construction;Economic theory;Quantity surveying;Construction management;Civil engineering;Introduction to economics;Cop;Introduction to construction economics;UK Construction Industry;Energy Efficiency;Demand Curve;Non-price Determinants;Vice Versa;Construction Output;Construction Sector;Commercial Buildings;UK's Housing Market;Business Case;UK Economy;Supply Curve;USGBC;Private Finance Initiative;Price Elasticity;Circular Economy;Heat Pumps;Lac;Federal Reserve;Production Possibility Curve;Offsite Production;External Costs;Construction Firms