Computer Vision - ECCV 2024

Computer Vision - ECCV 2024

18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29-October 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part XXXVII

Ricci, Elisa; Roth, Stefan; Varol, Guel; Sattler, Torsten; Russakovsky, Olga; Leonardis, Ales

Springer International Publishing AG





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EgoCVR: An Egocentric Benchmark for Fine-Grained Composed Video Retrieval.- Synchronization of Projective Transformations.- TLControl: Trajectory and Language Control for Human Motion Synthesis.- Insect Identification in the Wild: The AMI Dataset.- Cross-view image geo-localization with Panorama-BEV Co-Retrieval Network.- F-HOI: Toward Fine-grained Semantic-Aligned 3D Human-Object Interactions.- Test-time Model Adaptation for Image Reconstruction Using Self-supervised Adaptive Layers.- SHIC: Shape-Image Correspondences with no Keypoint Supervision.- GenRC: Generative 3D Room Completion from Sparse Image Collections.- A Probability-guided Sampler for Neural Implicit Surface Rendering.- ReMatching: Low-Resolution Representations for Scalable Shape Correspondence.- Where am I? Scene Retrieval with Language.- This Probably Looks Exactly Like That: An Invertible Prototypical Network.- Arc2Face: A Foundation Model for ID-Consistent Human Faces.- PhysAvatar: Learning the Physics of Dressed 3D Avatars from Visual Observations.- Revisiting Feature Disentanglement Strategy in Diffusion Training and Breaking Conditional Independence Assumption in Sampling.- SweepNet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neural Sweepers.- Leveraging Thermal Modality to Enhance Reconstruction in Low-Light Conditions.- On the Viability of Monocular Depth Pre-training for Semantic Segmentation.- Fairness-aware Vision Transformer via Debiased Self-Attention.- EgoPet: Egomotion and Interaction Data from an Animal's Perspective.- Deep Companion Learning: Enhancing Generalization Through Historical Consistency.- Neural graphics texture compression supporting random access.- Contrastive Learning with Synthetic Positives.- GeneralAD: Anomaly Detection Across Domains by Attending to Distorted Features.- Interpretability-Guided Test-Time Adversarial Defense.- DIM: Dyadic Interaction Modeling for Social Behavior Generation.
artificial intelligence;computer networks;computer systems;computer vision;education;Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);image analysis;image coding;image processing;image reconstruction;image segmentation;learning;machine learning;object recognition;pattern recognition;reconstruction;signal processing;software engineering